How To Recover Deleted Files In Windows 7 Using Recuva

how to recover deleted files in windows 7 using recuva you are performing some maintenance task on your computer and suddenly by mistake deleted some important files,that contains very important information about your tasks,your passwords etc.Now you feel what you have done,deleted the important files from your computer.Now what to do,how will you manage without that files,because that files were very important to you.First you think what can i do to resolve this ,you may call a software engineer and ask him to recover your files which may cost you heavily for such a simple task,or you may find an alternate location for that files i.e. backup.But what happen when there is no backup at all,then you will be sad.Don't worry you can still recover your files from your computer even if you have deleted them.But you should not store anything on your computer's hdd after the deletion of your important files.If you continuously keep on storing new files on your computer that important files may completely become unrecoverable.

When you delete files from your computer,they do not actually get erased from the hdd,they are still in the hdd.The computer only removes methods and links to access that file.It resides in a random disk block on the hdd.That disk block allow other files to store in it by replacing that file currently stored in it (the file that is deleted is stored in this block and may get replaced if you keep on storing new files to the hdd after deletion of your important files).So it is advisable not to store anything after deletion of your important files.You can recover your files by using Recuva software recovering tool.But do not download it on your computer,bring it in a disk or a pen drive and then install it.You can use recuva to recover files from pen drives,thumb drives,disk drives,memory cards or any kind of semiconductor memory.Now Proceed As follows to recover deleted files:This will work on windows xp,windows vista and windows 7.

1.Install recuva for windows.

 RECUVA Download

Recuva File Recovery

2.Now choose the file types which you want to recover.If you want to recover all deleted files then click the other files option.

Recuva File Recovery

3.Now select a location in which you want to search for deleted files.You can scan your media and micro sd card and any kind of storage devices except disks.

Recuva File Recovery

4.Now allow recuva to do some work.Let it search your pc for deleted files.It may take upto 30 minutes.

Recuva File Recovery

5.After scanning it will show all the files that were deleted.The files highlighted in green are in excellent condition for recovery and they are not altered by any other file.Check any file right click on it and click recover highlighted.That file will be recovered in seconds.

Happy Computing!!!!!!

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