How To Save CPU From Overheating

How To Save CPU From Overheating CPU known as central processing unit is the most important part of any computer or any digital system.A CPU is like a brain of the computer.It performs all the calculations that are needed to execute a pair of commands.Basically it is a a chip located below the heat sink on the motherboard of your computer.When CPU is under work it generates heat whic is caught by the heatsink and thrown away by fan.So air flow is balanced.However in most cases it overheats and due to this a much part of CPU is damaged.So to avoid CPU overheating here are some steps to keep it cool.

cpu overheating

firstly you should see the maximum operating temperature of your CPU by using Mooo system monitor or any hardware monitor software.

1.Clean Your Computer : dust is the enemy of every computer system.It keep collecting on the circuits and around the cpu which blocks the air flow and results in high cpu temperatures therefore damaging the cpu circuits.The best way to tackle this problem is to clean your cpu and motherboard with a soft brush every month.If your cpu is dust free then it will work without any problem.

2.Do Not Block Air Around Cabinet : your pc cabinet should get proper air from the front side.Cool air enters the cabinet from front and cools the system environment.So your room should be properly ventilated.Open any closed doors or windows.If you have an air conditioner in your room then keep it at room temperature i.e. 24 degreeC.

3.Keep Heat Sink Clean : the computer's heat sink catches a lot of dust everyday.That Dust becomes hot and sticks permanently to the sink which can't be removed by blowing air.This is because when dust is heated its physical properties changes.When it is heated then it starts converting into a silica based compound which is like brown sticky powder.You can remove it by using a soft brush.

4.Apply Thermal Paste To The CPU : a thermal is a silicon based compound which increases heat flow between cpu and heatsink.This paste is applied on the cpu and then heat sink is placed over it.This paste loses its effectiveness overtime and needs to replaced at regular intervals.Click below to see how to do it.

5.Do Not Load The CPU Unnecessarily : some softwares make heavy usage of the cpu as a result it keeps itself busy most of the time.So its temperature rises so avoid these softwares and close them if they are not in use.

6.Monitor Your CPU : you can monitor your cpu temperature by a monitoring software which tells you about all the temperatures of cpu,hdd,fan rotations and core voltages.You can keep track of temperature if you notice high temperature that is above max operating temperature then it is time to change the thermal paste.Such a monitoring software is mooo system monitor which is very good at monitoring.

download mooo system monitor

system monitor

7.Heat Generated By Graphics Cards : if you have installed a third party graphics card to your pc then you should also install a chassis fan to remove the heat generated by the graphics card.They generate a lot of heat and throw them inside the cabinet so it is better to remove the heat by installing a cabinet fan.

  • regularly cleaning.
  • use soft brush to remove dust.
  • apply thremal paste.
  • never use strong solvents to remove thermal paste.
  • do no use any metal thing to clean dust particles.
  • never remove cpu from its socket otherwise it will catch dust and ruin the cpu back panel.

Warning : do not use any metal to touch the motherboard circuits.It can lead to short circuit.

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