How To Play Mame And CPS1 Games On Android

how to play mame and cps1 games on androidMAME is known as multiple arcade machine emulator is an application which is designed to emulate arcade games on modern computers.In its early days mame was only available for computers.Now today anyone can enjoy mame games on their smartphones especially the android phones.If you have an android phone then you can easily play all mame games on your android phone without any problem.There is an application which you need to install first on your android phone.The application name is tiger arcade and you can easily download it here.

Download Tiger Arcade Emulator apk for android

Screen shot showing metal slug x(MAME) and cadillacs and dinosaurs(CPS1) gameplay on android

Also you can play CPS1 games on the same emulator.Here are the steps to install the tiger arcade on your android phone.
  • download the tiger arcade apk from above.
  • install the app on your phone.If your phone doesn't allow the installation then proceed as follows
  • go to settings and click applications uncheck the unknow sources and now re install the app.
  • after installing the app make a folder on your memory card like roms>arcade.Roms is a folder and arcade is a subfolder in it.Put all your roms in the arcade subfolder.You can download one CPS1 rom here. The rom is of cadillacs and dinosaurs.
  • now open the tiger arcade which is denoted by a green M icon and click on the game to play.Before playing the game you can set the emulator according to your needs.
Settings For Tiger Arcade Emulator

  • disable vibrate on keypress : you should disable this setting otherwise your phone will vibrate while game playing.Go to settings and click virtual keypad setting then uncheck vibrate on keypress.
  • unlock all six buttons : for full controls you should play with 6 buttons to nlock all buttons go to settings and click virtual keypad setting then click hide controls then uncheck all the options and you will see 6 buttons to play with.
  • reposition the controls :  go to settings and click virtual keypad setting then click D-pad+buttons layout and select bottom+bottom.
  • start the game : you will see two small buttons at the top of the screen.The left one is the coin button and right one is the start button.You have to first insert the coin and then push the start button to play the game.Insert as many coins as you want.
  • if you want to save the game state and later want to load it then press the menu key on your phone and you will see few options which will ask you to save your current game and later you can load it.Here is the screen shot below.

Check The Video
Below is a video which shows how to play mame and cps1 games on android.

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1 comment:

  1. Where can I get other roms for this tiger arcade emulator?
