Android Guide To Chat Via Bluetooth Without Any App

Chatting is sharing texts via a server.Everybody know how to chat on facebook,yahoo and google +, but these services require a data connection to reach their servers and for successful chat you will be definitely needing a connection.

android bluetooth chat

Suppose if the chat is between only two people sitting in the same room without any data connection.So what will you do because you do not have any data connection.Don’t worry you can chat with that person in the room and the interesting thing is that there is no need of any app and data connection.

But to do Bluetooth chat without any app you will need following things.

  • android phones or any phone that can support the .vnf format or text format.
  • bluetooth is must for these phones.
The .vnf format means a memo and is supported by most devices.For example Samsung devices support the it.So if the Bluetooth chat is between two Samsung phones then there would be no problem.

Also most android phones won’t support this memo format but they have text memos.So if the Bluetooth chat is between these kind of phones having text memos then there would be no problem.Sony ericsson phones support these text memos.

Bluetooth chat between a Samsung phone and a sony ericsson phone can’t be done because Samsung phone supports the text memos but sony ericsson phones doesn’t support the.vnf format.So you can send messages via Bluetooth to Samsung phones but can’t receive from Samsung phones.In this case you will need an app to Bluetooth chat..For best compatibility check what format does your phone supports.

Bluetooth chat is compatible between these phones
  • HTC android phones and Samsung android phones
  • HTC java phones and Samsung java phones
  • HTC java phones and LG java phones(.vnf support only)
  • Samsung phones and LG phones
I mean to say that Bluetooth chat is possible without any app between that phones which can support the memo .vnf format whether it is an android phone or normal java phone .

The Bluetooth chat demonstration is between two Samsung phones.
  • go to your phone’s memo option and create a new memo.
  • save it and send it via Bluetooth to the other phone.
  • other phone will receive it and show you the received message.
The above procedure is same for any java or android phone to create a memo and sending it via Bluetooth.But memo rendering is different on different phones.

How To Render Memos On Different Phones

On Android : If you have received a memo during Bluetooth chat from another android or a java phone then goto the Bluetooth folder and look for a file having a .vnf format.Open it and save it.After saving it you can view it in your android phone.

On Java phones : If you have received a memo from an android phone then go to the options on your phone and locate it,you will directly receive messages into the memo of your java phone just like facebook.

Benefits Of Bluetooth Chat
  • it is highly secured and nobody can break in.
  • no need of data connection and any app.
  • can send secret messages via Bluetooth chat
  • best for chatting within a same room.
  • compatible between android and java phones.
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