SMS Trick To Import Iphone,iOS5 SMS To Android

This is tutorial to view iphone sms messages on android phones.This trick will be very helpful if you are migrating from iOS to android 4.1 jellybean or just android os.So let’s get started.
Tools required : iphone(iOS5),itunes for windows and Mac os,iSMS2droid apk,SMSBackupandRestore apk,android phone,a personal computer.
  1. The first step is to make a backup of your iphone using itunes.Download itunes if you haven’t installed it yet.
  2. After creating a backup of your iphone check the following directories in step 3,4 and 5 according to the os you are using.
  3. Windows 7 : C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup      
  4. Windows XP : C:\Document and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Apple   Computer\MobileSync\Backup    
  5. Mac OS X : ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup
  6. Note : if in windows the “AppData” or “Application Data” folder is not visible then go to folder and search options and select “show hidden files and folders”.
  7. Now look for a folder having a timestamp at the end like this -YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS.Open this folder the iOS5 iphone sms backup will be found here.
  8. Find this file “3d0d7e5fb2ce288813306e4d4636395e047a3d28” and copy this file to your pc and then transfer it to your android phone later.This file is the iphone iOS5 sms backup and is a tiny database.
  9. Now connect your android phone in storage mode to pc and copy this file to your phone’s sd card.You can rename this file for convenience because of its long name.It’s file extension is .db so do not change the extension while renaming this file otherwise it will become unreadable.
  10. Now download iSMS2droid from google play store.It is totally free.iSMS2droid converts the iOS5 iphone sms database into a xml file which can be easily imported on your android phone.
  11. Now download one more app for restoring this xml file as sms messages in your android phone.This app is SMSBackupandRestore and is also free on google play store.This android app s used to backup and restore sms on your android phones.Backups are created as xml files which you can store insd card.
  12. Now load the xml file which you have created using iSMS2droid into the app SMSBackupand Restore.This app will restore the iphone sms in the android sms databse and you will be able to view them in the messaging option in android.

Following is the example of restoring iphone’s sms on android

  1. Store the iphone sms messages database file in the following directory on your phone sd card.
  2. /mnt/SdCard/SMSBackupRestore/
  3. Open the app SMSBackupand Restore.
  4. You will see an xml file of iphone sms messages backup.If there are multiple files select the desired file to restore.Then click ok.Check your phone messages iphone messages will be there.

sms restore on android

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  1. Hi, thank you for posting this guide. I have some issues after i copy the file in "step 8" to my phone sd card. I couldn't locate the file using isms2andriod after that. Is there anything i missed out? Thanks again

  2. Lynn you need to change the file name of that backup file in step 8 to some other name like "lynn.db" .Isms2droid is not recognizing the weird name containing alphanumeric characters.If this doesn't help then reply soon.

  3. any idea what that sms file is called in ios6? i can't find any files beginning with 3d0d...

  4. isms2droid doesn't work on ios6.

  5. I keep having the following error
    this is not iphone sms database or is encrypted when I open it in isms2droid

    1. change the database file name to like "taha.db" then again open it in iSMS2Droid.
