5 Tips To Increase Any Blog's Readership To Drive Traffic

5 Tips To Increase Any Blog's Readership To Drive Traffic Readers are the users who reads or follow a blog regularly for getting something new everyday.They are like the readers of  a book published by a good publisher.Any blog not having a good readership can't score good to drive traffic.Users are of two types.First ones are the visitors that comes to your site through search engines and second ones are the regular readers of your blog.You should optimize your blog for both kind of the users and you should not underestimate any of them.Well no matter whenever you start blogging you will get atleast one type of traffic that is from search engines.

But most bloggers always forget about the regular readers.They also forget to work on increasing their blog's readership as most of them think that it is not as much useful.But it is totally wrong.Increasing blog's readership means building trust among your readers who comes to your site for fresh content.If you have a heavy readership then you should know how to keep it ongoing by keeping your site updated with fresh content.If you increase your blog's readership then you are actually helping your audience to directly come to your site via email links without searching for your blog in search engines.

To increase the blog's readership I have some tips for you.

1.Fresh Content
Always update your blog at regular intervals with fresh content.Fresh content means genuine posts that are useful for your blog's readers.Do not paste copied content or content that seems to befool your audience.Content should be knowledgeable and practical and it should be well researched.Fresh content is like a magnet that attaracts your readers.So always create good and genuine content.

2.Email Subscription
Encourage your audience to subscribe to your website's mailing lists.Once they get subscribed to this service they will be notified everytime you update your blog with new content.You can use a javascript popup widget which appears when someone visits your website.It is like a form and you can ask them to subscribe to your websites's mailing list.This will increase readership.

3.FeedBurner Account
Share the links of your feedburner account.You can share them wherever possible.It is best to share these links on social networks like facebook and google plus.Also when you post fresh content you can put a subscription link in between your posts.An example is given below for a direct subscription to my blog.

The link is also same for your blog all you have to do is to change the "Pcnexus" and put your feedburner feeds name.This is a direct link if someone clicks on it he/she would be asked to enter their email for subscribing to your website's mailing list.This steps will increase your blog's readership to a greater extent.The more you share this link the more will be the probability.

4.FeedBurner Feed Count
A feedburner feed count is a small animated rectangular box that displays total number of your readers currently subscribed to mailing list.You should put this chicklet on your blog as it delivers a good impression on your blog's visitor.The higher the readership the higher the impression.To get a chicklet follow the steps below.

feedburner readership count
  • goto feeds.feedburner.com
  • choose your desired website.
  • now you will be taken to feedburner dashboard.
  • click on "Publicize" tab.
  • on the left hand side click "Feed Count".
  • Select "Blogger" in "Use as a widget in".
  • Copy the code and paste it in your blog.
5.Guest Posting
When you guest posts on another website always make sure that you are providing the subscription link of your website so that readers can subscribe.This is a good practice and is also helpful.If You Want to write for us then check the "Guest Posting Guidelines".

The readership won't increase within few days.But it will keep on increasing if you follow all the above tips.Be careful not to share your subscription links on spammy sites.Be social share it.

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