How To Fix 404 Redirect Error After Moving Blogger Blog To A Custom Domain

How To Fix 404 Redirect Error After Moving Blogger Blog To A Custom Domain Getting a 404 redirect error means that your naked domain is not redirecting to your website.It will show you an error that url not found if you enter your website’s naked domain in the address bar of a browser.A naked domain is domain without prefix ‘www’.Suppose your website is then naked domain will be if your website is not configured properly to redirect your website’s naked domain to your original domain then you will get a 404 redirect error everytime you put the naked domain in address bar.

404 redirect error

This problem becomes very serious when goes unnoticed because people like to enter naked domain more directly into the web browser to reach a website.Suppose someone does the same thing for your website.Then when he will enter the naked domain of your website in a browser he will get a 404 redirect error and may even think that the blog is no longer exist.This error decreases your website’s traffic in days and in nights.This 404 redirect error occurs when you move from blogger to a custom domain while the blog still hosts on blogger.

If you have recently moved to a custom domain from blogger then you will get this 404 redirect error.But don’t worry it is easily fixable.The tutorial is for blogger blog having a custom domain like .net,.com or any TLD(Top Level Domain) but is hosting on blogger.

Fix 404 Redirect Error For A Blogger Blog On A Custom Domain

1.Login to your blogger account.
2.Select your blog and goto its “Basic” settings.
3.Under “Publishing” you will see “Blog Address”.Click “Edit” in front of your blog’s address.

blogger redirect

4.Here you will see an unchecked option “Redirect to”.
5.You have to check this option to fix the 404 redirect error.Click save after checking it.
6.Now your naked domain will redirect to
7.You can check yourself by entering your website’s naked domain directly into web browser and you will see that it will redirect to your original domain.

Following above steps will fix the 404 redirect error for your blogger blog after moving to a custom domain.

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  1. It not work if you use other CNAME. I want to use CNAME with not

    1. First of all you have to register your domain. Then you have to create a subdomain in your domain settings account where you purchased the domain. After creating the subdomain, add it to your blogger blog. You can only link one domain in a blogger blog.

    2. It does not work,
      this message displayed to me in blogger: You have not been authorized to use this domain. Please follow the settings instructions.

    3. Configure the blogger CNAME records first with your registrar. Blogger will keep giving this error if it doesn't find its CNAME in your domain name's account.
