How To Use Android Phone 2G/3G/4G Network As Wifi Hotspot

 All of us know that any android phone can be used as a wifi hotspot,which means that your can share your phone’s wifi network with other android,laptops or non android wifi enabled devices.To create a wifi hotspot you need a wifi connection but don’t worry if you do not have wifi connection in range.You can use your android phone’s 2G/3G/4G,GPRS networks as wifi hotspot.

This trick of creating an wifi hotspot will work with your phone’s 2G/3G/4G networks.Then your android phone will convert the 2G or 3G network into a wifi hotspot.So any wifi enabled laptop,android device,smartphone device like windows phone 8 and iOS iphone can use your phone’s network as wifi network,because other devices will recognize your android device as a wifi network.

Use Android Phone’s 2G/3G/4G Network As Wifi Hotspot

1.You will need atleast 1 android device and wifi enabled phone or other android phone or a laptop.We are using two android phones and a HP laptop.
2.Your phone should have a working data connection i.e the phone which is to be used as a hotspot should have a data connection.
3.To setup your phone as a wifi hotspot goto Settings>Wireless & Networks>Mobile Networks>Use Packet Data.Enable packet data.
4.Now goto Settings>Wireless & Networks>Tethering & Portable Hotspot.
5.Enable portable wifi hotspot.You will see a notification in the notification bar.Click on portable wifi hotspot settings.
6.Now click configure “Portable wifi hotspot”.
7.You can change the “Network SSID”.It is the name of your phone’s wifi network.Enter "my android wifi" in network SSID.
8.Click security and select “WPA2 PSK” and enter your wifi network password.
9.When you enter a password then nobody can connect to your phone's wifi hotspot without a password.You have to give them the password to connect.You can select “Open” in security.When open is selected everybody can connect to your phone’s wifi hotspot without password.
10.Now we connect an android device to this wifi hotspot.

Connecting An Android Device To Wifi Hotspot Network

To connect any android phone to your phone's wifi hotspot Follow the steps below.
  • Goto Settings>Wireless and networks>Wi-Fi settings.
  • Turn on the wifi and keep hotspot active on other phone.
  • Your phone will automatically scan the wifi networks and give you a list of active networks in range.
  • You will see "my android wifi" below wifi networks.
  • Click this networkYou will see a prompt to connect.Click connect.
  • Within few seconds you will be connected to this wifi hotspot and you will see connected under this network.
  • Now open any browser and start surfing internet without paying any money.

Connecting A Laptop To Android Wifi Hotspot Network

You can share your android phone's wifi hotspot with your laptop.I am using a HP laptop.If you are using a HP laptop you will need HP wireless assisstant software otherwise your laptop's wifi will not work.You can download HP wireless assisstant from the link given below.

HP Wireless Assisstant Download

1.After downloading this software install it and open it.
2.You will see two options one is bluetooth and other is "Wireless LAN".Click turn on button to turn on your laptop's wifi.
3.Now goto your android phone's setting.Click "wireless and networks>Tethering and portable hotspot".Put a check on "Portable Wi-Fi hotspot".
4.Now click the network icon in your laptop's taskbar.You will see "my android wifi" in that network list like this image below.

hp wireless assisstant

5.Click this "my android wifi".It will prompt you to enter password which you used for your phone's wifi.Now after entering password it will show connected and now you are done.If you are using 3G or 4G network then you will experience high speed browsing on any browser.

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  1. hi Friend Its really amazing I never thought of share 2G data over wifi I was Just thinking Is it really possible . Good work

  2. can i recharge my 2g phone with 3g ,thn after connecting with laptop it will give 2g or 3g speed

    1. It depends on your network whether it allows or not. But it doesn't work you will still get speeds of 2G even after recharging with 3G because your phone is not 3G compatible.
