How To Install Hindi Language Keyboard On Android

How To Install Hindi Language Keyboard On Android This guide will teach you to install a Hindi keyboard on android.The Hindi keyboard is of great importance to Indian android users.The Hindi language is not coming preloaded in any android device but it can be found in some Java based phones.You might be thinking that you need to root your android phone then flashing a software in download mode.But don’t worry the process is totally hassle free and there is no need to root or flash your phone to install Hindi keyboard.

google hindi input

However installing any kind of keyboard is not recommended if it is not from a trusted developer because it may collect your passwords,credit card numbers,secret codes and whatever you type on that particular keyboard.Do not install any keyboard on android until it is from a trusted developer.You will be glad to know that the Hindi keyboard for android is officially and specially developed for Indian android users.So the Hindi keyboard has the trust of Google and we don’t need to worry much.This app is known as Google Hindi Input.Actually it is a keyboard app that allows you to type in Hindi language with good quality font which is easily visible and understandable.

Google Hindi Input is available for free on Google play store and you can download it from the link given below.

Download Google Hindi Input

Setup Google Hindi Input On Android
Before using Google Hindi Input keyboard you need to set it up to write in Hindi.Follow the steps below to set it up.

1.Download and install Google Hindi Input from play store.
2.For android 2.x devices : Goto Settings>Locale & text.Here you will find “Google Hindi Input”.Put a check mark in front of it to enable the Hindi keyboard by google.

3.Now goto messages and create a new message.Now touch the message text area and long press it and select “Input method”.Now select Google Hindi Input from the list of keyboards.

4.The Hindi keyboard will first open with English letters.You need to press the “Earth icon” below the keyword to access Hindi letters.Now you can type in Hindi on your android.

5.For android 4.x devices : Open Settings>Language & Input, under “KEYBOARD & INPUT METHODS” section, check Google Hindi Input, then click Default and select “Hindi transliteration” in the “Choose input method” dialog.When typing in an input box, you can also change the default input method by selecting “Choose input method” in the Notification area.

Now you can easily type in Hindi on any android phone.

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