How To Play Dos Games On Android

Everybody has played the old classic dos games back in 1990 on a windows pc. Dos games were very popular at that. Due to modern windows software these old dos games cannot run on windows 7 and windows 8 due to compatibility issues. If you want to play dos games then you can play them on any android phone with an android app called andosbox. This app lets you to play dos games on android.So are you ready to travel back in time to play dos games.

First you need to change the input method on your android phone and set it to swype because in andosbox the normal keyboard will not work if you are using a Samsung android phone,but will work with other phones. To select select swype keyboard goto Settings>Locale & text>Select Input Method>Swype.

For android 4.0.x goto Settings>Language & Input. Under "Keyboard & Input Methods" select "Swype". However if your normal keyboard is supported by andosbox then there is no need to change it to swype.

How To Play Dos Games On Android

You need to download the prince of persia dos game and dos emulator for android andosbox from the links given below. AnDosBox is not a free app, so you need to buy it.

1.Prince of persia Dos game. You can search in Google for this.
2.AnDosBox Android apk Download

prince of persia dos game on android

1.Make a folder on your phone's memory card as "Dos" and put the extracted Prince folder of prince dos game in this folder.The directory looks like Dos>Prince>prince.exe
2.Now open AnDosBox app.
3.Click the menu button on your phone and select "Keyboard".A command prompt will open like C:\>
4.Now click menu and select keyboard and type "cd Dos" and press enter.Your directory will now look like as C:\DOS>.Now again select keyboard and type "cd Prince".Now your directory will look like as C:\DOS\PRINCE>.Now in front of this type "prince.exe" and press enter.The prince of persia dos game will run.


Settings For AnDosBox To Play Dos Games
1.While the game is running press the menu button on your android phone and select "Input Mode".Choose "Joystick" from the list.

andosbox settings

2.Again click the menu button and select "Buttons" then select "Hide Buttons".
3.You won't see any buttons to play the dos games and your android phone's touchscreen is the only way to play them.When you touch the screen on right the character will move forward,when you touch it on left the character will move backward and so on.

Below is the full image description of touchscreen controls to play dos games on android.

andosbox joystick controls

1.Touching this point will move the prince towards right.
2.Touching point 2 will move the prince character to left.
3.Touch this point to jump vertically.
4.Touch this point to allow the character to sit.
5.Touch this point to start new game after game is over.
6.This point is a combination of up and right buttons.
7.This point is a combination of down and right buttons.
8.This point corresponds to combination of up and left buttons.
9.This point corresponds to combination of down and left buttons.

You can swipe along the directions shown in the picture to move the prince character accordingly.If you face any problem while running the game then feel free to ask.

We have more tutorials for video gaming on android.Check out these.
1.Play Playstation ps1/psx games on android.
2.Play Mame and CPS1 games on android.
3.Play Nes games on android.

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  1. your link to google docs doesnt work

    1. Go to that link and wait till the page finishes loading.After this goto File>Download or simply press 'Ctrl+S' to download your file.

  2. woah, the game is just of 350KB. These days we don't get that level of entertainment even with games of 3.5GB size.

    1. Yes you are right, I really enjoyed DOS games when I was a kid. These games are the base for today's 3D games.

  3. Everything works as you've said, but I'm unable to drink the health portion as there's no button that allows the character to pick up items
