How To Clean Dirty Android Smartphone From Inside And Remove Dust

Android smartphones are a fun to use because they help us in many ways through useful apps. Android smartphones over time become very dirty and accumulate dust near buttons and screen. Also dust can be found inside the phone, not only dust a smartphone can be a home of millions of germs that can be very dangerous if ignored. So it’s a good idea to clean your android smartphone. Dust is the worst enemy of any electronic gadget as it increases the thermal temperature of mobile chips overtime.

In this tutorial I will teach you to clean your android smartphone from inside by opening it and removing all kind of dust particles from every part of the phone. After opening the phone you can easily clean dust under speaker grills, dust around camera lens and dust around android smartphone’s motherboard.

Tools Needed
1. Tiny screw drivers to open the screws of your phone.
2. A soft brush to clean the dirt.
3. A clean cloth
4. Few cotton buds and cotton swabs.

Warning : This tutorial is for advance users who have some knowledge about opening a smartphone, I mean assembling and disassembling an android smartphone. So if you are not aware of this process then do not try on your smartphone or you will end up with a damaged smartphone. If you still want to try then don’t blame me if anything goes wrong with your smartphone.

Clean Dirty Android Smartphone From Inside And Remove Dust
I am using a Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 android phone and will show you how to clean Galaxy Y and similar Samsung android devices.

  • Remove the back panel of your android smartphone to access the battery and screws.
  • Remove the battery, SIM and memory card and put them aside.
  • Open the screws with the help of a screw driver.

  • Now gently remove the white plastic cover. The white plastic cover can’t come out on its own because it is fixed at place with plastic notches. You have to separate this plastic cover from its notches.
  • After separating the white plastic cover the phone will look as follows.

  • Now disconnect the touchscreen connector from motherboard. Gently pull it up to disconnect. See the pic below.

  • Now separate the phone’s motherboard from the touchscreen module. Gently insert the screw driver in the notch  and lift the motherboard up. After removing the motherboard the android phone aka galaxy y will look as follows.

android phone galaxy y motherboard

  • Now you have completely disassembled the android smartphone. Now use the brush and cloth to clean the dust from the inside.
  • Do not touch the touchscreen module or apply liquid cleanser to it as doing so will completely damage it.
  • After thorough cleaning place the phone’s motherboard correctly on place and connect the touchscreen connector. Do not forget to connect the touchscreen connector otherwise touchscreen won’t work and will not identify any finger touch.
  • Finally place the white plastic cover and make sure that it is completely fixed with notches. Make sure that the white cover should not be opened from any side.

  • Finally insert the screws and tighten them.  Insert the SIM and memory card and finally put the battery back on phone.
  • Now your android smartphone is more cleaner than ever.

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  1. i follow what you say, but the thing is i'm using lenovo a516, so i have to open from the front, help me please

    1. You can not open it without a heat gun. I do not recommend you to open it. Otherwise you may get it damaged.

  2. Replies
    1. Watch this video below.

  3. Replies
    1. Just clean the phone from outside. No need to open it.
