Send Encrypted Messages In Whatsapp For Android

Whatsapp is the number 1 messaging app today used by almost every smartphone user. Due to increasing popularity of Whatsapp more security risks are arising. The latest security flaw in Whatsapp is that your chat history is not safe. The chat history is saved in form a database that resides on the sdcard or the phones internal storage. This chat database is vulnerable to rogue apps that secretly access the sdcard files and upload them on a web server. These rogue apps can reveal your entire chat history to hackers. However we can't stop using Whatsapp today because it is the fast and convenient way to send and receive messages.

encrypted messages in whatsapp

If you are concerned with your chat history security then there is way with which you can secure your chat history to a extent that will assure that your private chats would not be revealed to someone. The way is to encrypt Whatsapp messages. Encrypting all Whatsapp messages is a bit annoying task but if you want to share something secret in chats then this trick will be useful to you.

Send Encrypted Messages In Whatsapp

  • Download and install zoner antivirus for android here.
  • Open Zoner antivirus and tap 'Secure Message'.
  • Enter the 'Encryption Key'.
  • Then type your desired message in the 'Message Text'.
  • Then tap 'Send via' and choose 'Whatsapp'.
  • Tap the friend with which you want to share the encrypted message.
  • The encrypted message will be sent in form of a hyperlink.
Decrypt The Encrypted Message In Whatsapp

  • Now your friend should also have installed the zoner antivirus app on his android phone to decrypt the message.
  • To decrypt the message just tap on the encrypted message link, a list of supported apps will open. Choose 'Zoner Antivirus Free'.
  • Enter the 'Decrytion Key' and tap 'Decrypt' to see the original message.
  • To reply with an encrypted in Whatsapp click 'Reply' then repeat the encryption process above.
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