How To Replace Or Upgrade Hard Drive On ASUS X550 Series Notebooks

ASUS X550 is a X series of Asus notebooks. These notebooks are light weight and have U series of Intel Core processors. The Asus X550C notebooks are designed to consume low power, they stand in the middle of laptops and notebooks, because the X550 notebooks have similar performance to that of ultrabooks. The ASUS X550C notebooks feature Intel Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7 all belonging to the ULV(Ultra Low Voltage) Ivy Bridge processor family. The hard drive range is between 500GB and 1TB. If you find 500 GB is less for your data storage then you can upgrade the hard disk in minutes, replace a defective HDD or even upgrade with a SSD(Solid State Drive). In this tutorial I am going to show you how you can upgrade or replace a hard drive on ASUS X550 notebooks.

List Of Supported Notebooks

  • Asus X550CC : All models like XO029D, XO072D, XO055H
  • Asus X550CA : All models
  • Asus X550CL : All Models
  • X550LN : All Notebooks
  • X550VC : All Notebooks

  • Replacement Hard Drive, a notebook/laptop SATA hard drive.
  • Screw driver.
  • Backup data from existing hard drive to some other storage device like external HDD.
  • To backup data from notebook to desktop computer Read This Tutorial.
WARNING: Before doing anything to your notebook read this tutorial carefully. I will not be responsible for any permanent damages. Read the tutorial first then decide whether you want to use it or not.

Replace Or Upgrade Hard Drive On ASUS X550 Notebooks

  • Remove the battery first before doing anything. Now gently turn the notebook upside down so its bottom part is visible and open the 2 screws as shown in image below.

  • Gently pull the cover back and put it aside. The silver container with black circles is your notebook’s hard drive caddy which contains the HDD.

1. Before touching it touch the metal screw driver to ground yourself and open the screws shown in the image below.
2. Make sure that the screws won’t get inside the notebook otherwise the motherboard will be permanently damaged due to short circuiting. See the image below.

  • Now gently slide the HDD towards left as shown in image below with two parallel arrows to disconnect it from notebook’s SATA connector. Gently pull the hard drive caddy up.

asus x550cc internal hard drive removed

  • Now you will see 4 screws in the HDD caddy on two sides, two screws on each side. Unscrew these screws to remove the Hard Drive from its caddy.

  • Now secure the HDD at a safe place. Install the new hard drive or SSD in the caddy. Make sure the SATA connectors should be in same position as they was in the older HDD, otherwise when you connect it, it won’t connect and damage or break the SATA connector on the notebook’s motherboard if you do it forcefully.
  • After fixing the hard drive in the caddy and double checking everything, install it on the notebook. Then gently slide towards your right to connect it to the SATA connector. Fasten the screws.
asus hdd caddy

  • Put the back cover on and fasten the screws. Install the battery.
  • Start the machine and press F2, you will see the information about new HDD in BIOS. This means the upgrade/replacement was successful.
  • If the Hard drive is new then you have to install Windows OS/MAC which would you like.
  • After installing Windows OS its time to restore your data from old HDD to new one. If you have backed up the data in flash drives or external hard drives then you know how to restore it.
  • Otherwise if you backed up your data on desktop hard drive then use LAN cable to connect your notebook to desktop and transfer all the backup files at high speed, I have given the tutorial link above.
You have successfully upgraded/replaced the hard drive on  ASUS X550 Notebooks

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  1. Hi, thank you for the tutorial. If I have to change HD because mine is broken, how can I reinstall Windows 8 on the new one since the license key is in the keyboard? Have you ever heard of the ASUS Backtracker tool?
    It is not clear how to deal with this problem. Thank you for any info you could provide.

    1. You can install the key again. Do you have the key? Asus backtracker is only useful if you have created a drive image before it is damaged.

    2. I meant that the license key is in the motherboard (not in the keyboard), since the laptop come with Windows 8 preinstalled. Anyway I didn't create an image, so I assume I need a copy of Windows 8 and install it on the new disk and during the installation the software should retrieve the key stored in the motherboard.

    3. The key is stored in HDD not in motherboard. There is no way except a fresh install of windows 8.
