How To Hibernate A Desktop Computer In Windows 7

In hibernation a Windows PC/Laptop saves its entire work on hard disk before shutting down. The next time you switch it on it will resume from where you left it. Hibernating a laptop is easy because the option is readily available in the start menu, but in desktop computers the hibernate option may not available in the start menu. So it’s tricky to do for the desktop. Hibernation is required when you are doing some important work on your PC like installing a software, a windows update  and suddenly power goes off or there is low power. So in this situation you can hibernate your desktop computer to save the entire work on hard disk and later resume it from where you left. This tutorial applies to Windows 7 and Windows 8.

How To Hibernate A Desktop Computer In Windows 7/Windows 8

  • Open Start Menu and type ‘Hibernate’ in search.
  • Click ‘Change what the power buttons do’.
  • In ‘When I press the power button’ select ‘Hibernate’.
hibernate a desktop computer in windows 7

  • Now anytime long press the power button of your desktop computer and the PC will automatically go into hibernation mode.
  • When you start it again you can resume Windows.
If hibernation is disabled on your PC then open command prompt as administrator. You can do this by typing ‘CMD’ in start menu search, then right click on cmd and select ‘Run as administrator’. Type the following command.

powercfg –h on

And hit enter. Restart your PC for changes to take effect.

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