How To Play SWF Files On Android

SWF stands for Small Web Format which is an Adobe Flash File Format used for multimedia, vector graphics like interactive animations and games. It is derived from Shockwave Flash. SWF files can only be played in a flash compatible web browser. An SWF file has a .swf extension. Flash games are very popular as they can be directly played in the web browser. But android doesn't have a direct support to play SWF files. But in this tutorial, I am going to teach you how you can do this.

Downloads Required

  • SWF Player - Flash File Viewer: Download
  • Adobe AIR: Download from Google Play
  • SWF files

Update (27/12/17):
Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported by Mozilla Firefox for android. So if your are using the adobe flash player for playing the SWF files then it will not work. This article has been updated and was previously telling the same old trick.

How To Play SWF And Flash Files On Android

  • Download and install the two apps given above on your phone.
  • Now open the SWF player app and tap 'Local Files'.
  • Locate the SWF file that you want to play. It will have an SWF icon on it.
  • Tap the file to play it.
  • While the file is playing tap the back button on your android to open the on screen controls of the player app.
  • This app also has keyboard/D-Pad option so that you can also flash games in this app.
How To Play SWF Files On Android

You have successfully learnt to play SWF and flash files on android

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  1. Replies
    1. Which phone you are using?

    2. Mine is 5.1 and no keyboard is appearing

    3. How is this possible in firefox? When you tap the address bar to search something the keyboard opens automatically.

  2. Hi dear ADMIN.
    some games are a bit slow when i play it!!!
    is there a way to control the speed of this type of games??

    1. Speed depends on the phone. You can try UC browser 10. Also, you can try SWF player apps from Google Play.

  3. Too bad this hot mess doesn't work. I've been trying to play The Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb for two weeks now and haven't had one shred of success.

    1. Let us try this. We will post the tutorial again.

  4. Why can't I drag anything when I play games?

    1. Because these games are not touch compatible. Try playing with a mouse or keyboard.

  5. hm. downloaded the latest flash for android, got firefox, got the .swf i'm trying to play in /storage/emulated/0/, but no dice. nothing loads in-browser.

    1. File address should be like this.

      Here file_name is the name of the swf file. Emulated/0/ means internal storage. If your files is in external sdcard and you are using the above address then it will not work.

  6. Doesn't work for games though. Just plays as a loop
