How To Download YouTube Videos On Android

YouTube is a video hosting website that is online since 2005 and is owned by Google. YouTube is a one stop to view videos of various categories like YouTube music videos. We can view YouTube videos according to our network speeds. Slow networks will allow us to watch the low definition videos (144 px), while with high speed networks we can watch HD and Full HD videos on our computers, tablets and smartphones. 4K video is the latest addition in YouTube.

download youtube videos on android

Downloading videos from YouTube has always been controversial since Google doesn’t provide any download link to save the videos to your computer’s hard disk. But still people are downloading YouTube videos by using some browser extensions, YouTube downloader etc. But according to many computer geeks, downloading videos from desktop version of YouTube is illegal.

But I can’t say the same thing about android smartphones and tablets. If you are downloading YouTube videos on your android smartphones and tablets then this may not be illegal, since we have an android app named Opera Browser, which lets you download videos from YouTube on your android cell phone. With this app you can download the low quality version as well as the HD version of the video, but 4K video is not supported  till yet.

You can download this app from Google Play. If downloading YouTube videos on android is illegal then why Google has allowed this app to be published in Play Store. So, I can say its not illegal if you are doing it on an android smartphone or a tablet.

You can save the video in almost any video format like 3GP, 3GPP MP4, AVI, MOV, MOOV (Apple Quicktime Movie), MPEG2, WEBM, M4V(iphone, ipad) and FLV. I have only tested these formats only, you can try more. You can download the YouTube videos without using tubemate app or YouTube video converter.

How To Download Videos From YouTube On Android

  • Download and install Opera browser for android. Get it here.
  • Now go to YouTube and play any video.
  • When video starts playing, tap the screen then tap the ‘arrow’ icon on down right position of screen.

android youtube download button

  • A pop will appear to save the video to your android’s internal storage. By default the saving folder is 'Download’ on internal storage. However you can choose your location.

youtube android download

  • Now the videos are by default downloaded in .3GP format. To download in any other format like FLV(flash video) or MP4, change the 3GP to MP4, M4V or FLV and tap ‘Save’.
  • Using the Opera browser you are using it as quick YouTube video converter for android.

opera youtube video converter

  • Wait for videos to download. You can see that I am downloading the same video in multiple formats.
  • To download the HD version of the video, tap ‘HQ’ on video before playing it and repeat the above process.
  • FLV, WEBM videos are not supported on android. To watch them on your android, see this article.
  • After downloading the video you can play it in the android video player.

You have successfully learned to download YouTube videos on android smartphones and tablets.

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