How to Restore HD Photo/Video Quality of Scratched/Blurry Android/iPhone Camera

Ever wondered why your Android or iPhone camera's photos or videos come out to be blurry or foggy? The problem seems like if you are using a fog or blur filter for your photos or full HD videos. But actually, the problem is related to the android phone's camera glass. When we say that a phone's camera got scratched and it is not taking photos clearly then it means that the camera's glass has worn out. The glass gets too many scratches over time that it doesn't allow light to pass through it. That's why due to lack of light the android camera becomes blurry or foggy. With such a camera you can't even focus on objects. Every photo or video you take or shoot will just be blurry.

The easiest solution to this problem is to change the camera glass. This will restore the camera quality to original but just for few months. After that glass wears out you have to change it again. Many Android smartphone cameras are prone to get scratched when put in pockets. You can blame the weird phone design or the camera bumps that look different from the phone itself.

The camera lens has a glass protection. If you remove this glass then the camera will be able to take high-quality photos and videos. The quality will be even better than the original scratchless glass because the light is entirely hitting the lens and nothing is reflected. This complete light entering the camera lens makes the photos even sharper, brighter, and vibrant. So, I have created a video where I am teaching to restore the original quality of a scratched Android camera. You can watch the video below. This is a DIY video which teaches to remove the glass and make a temporary camera cover which protects it from dust and water when it is not in use. So, watch the video below.

➜ Also Read

How to Fix a Scratched Android Camera and Restore Its Image/Video Quality

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