How To Hide Disk Drives In Windows 7

This post will show that how to hide disk drives in windows 7.

We all have a pc and we maintain it according to our needs.We use it store our important data and files.We also play interactive games on it.A pc is like a true friend which always help us.But when someone from outside want to access your pc you will prevent him to access it.However if gain access to your pc by some unfair means then he will see all your files,can play your games or whatever he want.But most of them do not know about the computer usage.These may be children in your home or in your locality.They quickly start searching games in the hard drives once they gain access.You can prevent access to all the disk drives present in your pc as a result tricking them.When you hide the disk drives they won't be able to see any disk drive present on your pc,therefore they can't access it.In windows XP this trick would not work on professionals because hiding only the disk would not restrict access to them.They can be accessed by typing the disk path in the my computer address bar i.e. C:\ ,this will open c drive but in windows 7 the drives are restricted when they are hidden,you can't access them like in XP..So here is the way to do this.

1. open start menu and click run and type  gpedit.msc

2. now click on administrative templates below the user configuration.

3. now click on windows components.

4. now look for windows explorer and click on it.Do not expand it.

5. now look for 'Hide these specified drives in My Computer'.Double click on it and enable it and in the 

group policy editor

options menu select 'restric all drives' to restrict access to all the drives.

group policy editor

now you have successfully prevented access to all the disk drives.No one can access these drives except the administrator.

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