Indian Govt Launches Worlds Cheapest Android Tablet:Akash

akash tablet

5 oct 2011,Indain Govt launched a 7 inch android 2.2 enabled tablet named akash.The tablet is designed speciall for students and it will serve the mission to increase literacy rate in India.This is the cheapest android tablet in the worlds and is second according to indian origin after reliance 3G tab.This device can serve as mini computer for most students.The students who are unable to buy laptops and pc's can buy this android tablet for just 1750 INR.Its actual cost is around 60$ but Govt will pay the subsidy so for students it will be available at just 35$ only.The price is discussed to be reduced further around 10$.The android tablet is developed by datawind a UK based company which develops hardware components.Here are some specifications of this android tab.

1.366 MHz connexant processor with HD video coprocessor.
2.7 inches resistive touchscreen.
3.2 GB internal memory.
4.256 MB ram. 2.2.
6.wifi and 2G enabled.
7.2 usb ports.
8.2-3 hrs of battery backup.
9.file  viewer (doc,docx,ppt,xls,xlsx,pdf,ebook reader)
10.GPRS enabled. player. conferencing.
13.32 GB expandable.

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  1. how can i get subsidy to buy this tablet?

  2. You will get it at a price of 1750 INR or even less may be 10 dollars if you are a student.For others it will be priced at 3000 INR

  3. how and where can i get this with subsidy.

  4. I think you can get it in normal mobile selling stores. For students it is priced at 1750 for others it Will be priced at 3000. You should have a student ID for this.Don't worry it is for every student and you can buy it in November.

  5. The govt has not made any commitments from where to buy this have to wait till November 2011.

  6. it's a canadian company
    to register

  7. itzzzzzz..........amazing
    but how can i get if i m a student.

  8. Ask your college or university . It is not available in every university.In February an upgrade version is coming viz Akash 2 having a processor of 600 MHz.

  9. how can i get subsidy to buy this tablet?
    if i m a student

  10. The govt has not made any commitments from where to buy this have to wait till November 2011.
