Reasons To Choose Android OS Above Any Other Mobile OS

Reasons To Choose Android OS Above Any Other Mobile OS android

All of us are familiar with android.We know what android is and everybody of us want to have an android phone.Android os is so popular now a days that everybody is moving to this os rather than any other mobile os.Recently google is launching icecream sandwich which will work on tabs,phones and even pcs.Read about icecream sandwich.

So what makes android so popular and why should you prefer android over any other smartphone os.Here is the brief review about the reasons to choose android os. is associated with google : all of us know that android is from google.So we can trust this os because google has developed it,and all of us know what google is.

2.a wide range of free apps : google's android has more than 200000 apps available on the android market.So there is no need to buy apps online.Apps adds more functions to your device thus minimizing your problems.For example,games,gps apps,antivirus and many more.

3.affordable :google's android is affordable,because every phone company is now providing android on their devices,most phones have cheap hardware but they have ability to run it.

4.faster performance : it will completely change your views towards smartphones,because it is fast to use than any other mobile os.It has built in google browser which is much faster than any other smartphone. : android os is much secure.Viruses are not a big problem for android.A lot of free security apps are available for your devices. user interface : it has cool user interface and interactive themes,you will be in love with it if you see it once.Also you can download a lot of themes to your memory card and then install them.'s not easy to steal it : suppose you have lost your android.Then in that situation you will be tensed.So to avoid stealing and misuse of your phone install some phone tracking apps which will help you to locate your lost devices,also these apps also allows you to remotely delete or completely wipe out your phone through remote commands.For a complete list of security apps click the below link.

8.try it before buying : if you want to try android before buying then you can run it on your pc.All you need is jdk 1.6.0,android sdk and an android os package.

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