How To Create A Free Online Survey For Any Website

An online survey is a way of interacting with users of your website for collecting their views and opinions about your website.A survey is the best way to know the bottlenecks of your website.It is no matter that users of any website know perfectly well about the problems they face while browsing on to it.So asking them about the problems will earn you time to rectify these problems in notime.Creating a survey will let you know how and what users think about your website,their interests,and other technical problems.

Creating a good survey means learning about the limitations of your website.So in this post I will be teaching you to create a free online survey for your website or blog.You just need two things for this.The first one is a working internet connection and second one is an active blog or website.For creating a free online survey we will be using FluidSurveys.Well FluidSurveys is an online service which provides special assisstance to create online surveys forms.But FluidSurveys is limited to 10 questions per survey and 100 responses from visitors in free version.First of all you have if you have a good running website and you want to create a free online survey then you should first signup on FluidSurveys because without any account you are not going to make it.So signup below.

FluidSurveys Signup

After signup just verify your email and login in your account.You will see a dashboard showing you a button named "New Survey".Click it to create and name your survey.Now on the left side you will see a group of tabs which seems like an IDE.Under the questions tab you will see many options like.You should drag these options to your editor page.
  • Section Heading : Any title given to your question.
  • Yes/No : A question with yes/no option only.
  • Multiple Choice : A question with multiple choices.You can add choices of your own.
  • Dropdown List : A dropdown list of itmes.

So for creating a survey you will be using questions only.So to create questions just drag the options from the left container and drag it into the space on right side.To edit any question just click on it and options for it will automatically open.You can edit the question,add options and modify them.You can add only 10 questions in free version and not more than that.You can also create polls for your website.Just click "polls" on the top and proceed accordingly.After setting all the questions you can publish the survey so that your visitors can access it.

You will be given an iframe code and a direct link to your survey.You can use any of them.An iframe code will work on the website while the link will take the visitors to an isolated survey page.When someone fills the form then you will be notified on your dashboard.You can also see what users opted in the questions it will help you a lot.To check the visitors responses just click "responses" below and you will be shown a list of responses.You can check the stats,reports and can export them to your pc.So it's a great tool to create an online survey.But the free version is limited.If you have a professional business and a large number of visitors then I recommend you to take the premium plan.You can select from a number of plans which best suits your business.The link below will give you 10% discount on any plan.

FluidSurveys Premium

Please click this link to take a survey for this blog LINK.Share this post if you like it.

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  1. Simple and effective article. Loved it. I use SoGoSurvey to get customer feedback and highly recommend it! It also has a free version in case you wanna try it out before making a purchase.

    1. Yeah SoGoSurvey is also a great tool.Thanks for the info.
