How To Get Google Sitelinks Quick And Easy Way

How To Get Google Sitelinks Quick And Easy Way
Google sitelinks are the website's links that are shown below a it's name when someone searches for that website by its name in Google.Earning Google sitelinks is like earning a reward for your site.Well these sitelinks are automatically created  by Google and there are no other means to get them except right and hard work.

sitelinks to pcnexus

To get Google sitelinks is also not very hard.You can earn upto 2 sitelinks for your website having page rank 1.The secret behind getting Getting Google sitelinks is hidden in better optimization of your website.The most important part is the linking of content with links.A website should have enough intra links to connect the relevant content on the website itself through hyperlinks.

Intera linking of your content is necessary.By intra linking I mean linking all the posts on your blog through hyperlinks.You should put hyperlinks to previous posts when you write new posts.It helps users to navigate easily on your site because you are providing then relevant links.

Here are some tips to get Google Sitelinks quick and the easy way.

1.update frequency : update your website on a daily basis with fresh content and regularly ping your website.Do not use copied content and optimize your website with good SEO.Use various tools to check the SEO structure of your website.Frequently updating your blog will build more interlinks within your blog.

2.linking content : monitor your best posts having the largest page views.Then write content related to that posts for a month.Then link these posts via hyperlinks to different posts on your blog.What actually happens when some posts start getting many pageviews or the posts which are mostly viewed by users on your site then they become sitelinks and will be shown in Google search. decent traffic : also a decent traffic is also required.A decent and constant traffic doesn't matter whether it is low will also help you gaining Google sitelinks.You might have a low list of subscribers who visit your blog daily in search of new content.So to keep the traffic constant you should write for these subscribers on a daily basis.It will help you to keep the traffic constant till your blog becomes a big professional site. backlinks : build backlinks to your own blog as much as possible.Commenting on other blogs with a solution post is the best way to earn backlinks.To whatever which lets you to earn precious backlinks.Share your posts on facebook,twitter,stumbleupons,Google + and pinterest.

Getting Google sitelinks means that your website is doing good.It also shows your website as a professional one.Getting Google sitelinks mean that Google wants that more users should reach your blog that's why it has given you sitelinks.

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