How To Optimize Images For Better Traffic [SEO]

Images can drive decent traffic to your website.Most bloggers always forget to optimize the images which they use in their articles.Well images if optimized can contribute in driving traffic to your website.

The Google bot or other search engine spiders can't understand any picture.It's a blogger's duty to describe the image properties so that the Google bot will know what the picture is about.The Google bot can't read pictures but it can read the decription in the "alt" tag.

An "alt" tag is used to tell the image description to the Google bot."Alt" tag description depends upon the type of image.For e.g. if you have an image of a lion which is roaring then the tag will describe the image as "roaring lion".However the title tag will remain only lion.Both the title tag and the alt tag should not be same.

If you use blogger then you can easily add title and alt tag to any image.Just click on any picture and click "properties".Then just add the title tag and the alt tag and click ok.You can check the title tag will work just hover the mouse over that image and you will see the title text.Just hover the mouse cursor over the lion below.

blogger image options

roaring lionblogger image properties

Also keyword overuse is not recommended as it will affect your website negatively,so do not overstuff the alt tag with keywords.

How Better Image Search SEO Drives Traffic

Image search SEO is similar to content related SEO.In content related searches users directly type in Google search to search their desired content.This search mostly works by matching the keywords related to the content.So that's how users find their content.But it also depends on to what extent the search query is related to the content on your website.

Now same as above people do make searches for images also.They use Google search,Yahoo search and Bing searchThese search engine spiders can't understand any picture but they read the description in alt tag.So always describe the picture correctly.Search queries matching the appropriate keywords will show up in search results.

So never ignore optimizing the pictures.Always do SEO for them because they can drive serious traffic to your website. 

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