How to Get Quality Backlinks for Your Site to Drive Traffic

How to Get Quality Backlinks for Your Site to Drive TrafficBacklinks are one of the best ways to increase your page rank and raise your position in search results. The more links you have, the higher your page rank. However, not all links are created equal. The links you get must be from quality sites, or else they may actually bring down your page rank.


Quality backlinks come from high-ranking sites in your niche.Quality backlinks are responsible for driving quality traffic to your site.Not sure where to start? Here are some of the best ways to get quality backlinks for your site to drive traffic.

1.Guest Blogging
The preferred method for getting quality backlinks is to write guest posts for other blogs that have a high page rank. You write the post, and the blog admin publishes it with your byline and a link to your site.
The key to successful link building with guest posting is to target blogs in your niche that have a high page rank and high traffic. The more authority the guest blog has, the more you will benefit from having it in your link portfolio.

2.Commenting on Blogs and Forums
If you can't get a guest post published on an authority blog, you can try commenting on it instead. Commenting on blog posts and forum threads on high-quality, high-ranking sites can give you a valuable link. The key is to write a comment that adds value to the conversation -- not just a comment that says "I agree" or "Nice post".
When you leave a link with your comment, make sure it's relevant. Spamming sites with your link will only work against you and bring down the value of the link.

3.Submitting to Article Directories
There are dozens of article directories on the web, and if you submit content for them, you can get back a link to your site. However, there are many spammy directories out there, so it is important to choose your submissions wisely. Be sure to choose a directory that has a high page rank, and submit unique content to each directory. Duplicate content can bring down the value of your link.You can submit your content to article directories like ezinearticles.

4.Social Media Marketing
Links on some social media sites, like Pinterest, can help boost your page rank. There has long been speculation that the more +1's you get on Google+ the more of a boost your page will get. However, the majority of social media sites do not generate quality links for your site.
The reason these sites are still useful is that they help you to connect with readers who may share your content and get it linked out to other sites because of the exposure. Share your content regularly on social media, and devise a strategy for growing your followers to get the most exposure for your content.
Generating quality backlinks is one of the best ways to raise the page rank of your site and to get more traffic. While these strategies are not difficult to employ, they will take time if used correctly by sourcing the most high-quality sites.

How do you get high-quality backlinks for your site? Share your most successful strategies in the comments!
Sarah Clare is a writer and oversees the site projectmanagementsoftware, where she has recently been researching task management. In her spare time, Sarah enjoys cooking and scrapbooking.

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