Essential Facebook Tips And Tricks For Every Facebook User

Essential Facebook Tips And Tricks For Every Facebook User Facebook is a social networking site.We use it to connect with the people in our life.If you are new to facebook then you might not know about latest facebook tips and tricks 2013.These tips and tricks are essential and useful to every user in 2013.You will like these tricks which I am going to tell you through this post.So lets start.

1.Send Exe Files On Facebook : Exe files are executable windows files.Every windows software has an extension of .exe.Facebook doesn’t allow you to send files having an extension of .exe.But it doesn’t mean that we can’t send exe files on facebook.Here is a simple trick through which you can send exe files to multiple friends at one time.For this trick I will be using facebook messages.

1.Login to your account.
3.Click new message on the top and enter your friend’s name.
4.You can enter multiple names in the message by selecting multiple friends.You can choose your friends from the message list on the left.
5.Now compress the exe file using winrar.It will change the extension of that file from .exe to .rar.Now you have to send this rar file only containing the original exe file.

6.Now at the bottom you will see “Add Files”.Click this and select your compressed exe files and press enter to send.This trick will send exe files on facebook.

2.Send Photos In Chatbox : Open chatbox with any friend and click the settings button in chat box.Now choose "Add Files".Click this and choose multiple photos to send in chat box.Through this method you can also send exe files in rar format.

3. Get Updates From Non-friend Users On Facebook : You can’t get updates from a person with whom you are not a friend on facebook.But you can still get some updates from that person.The updates will be limited to page likes,photo tags,public information,comments and facebook games.Now to get updates from a non-friend person on facebook do as follows.

1.Add that person as friend on facebook.
2.Now goto homepage and click “Friends” on the left side bar,a list will open.Now click “Close Friends”.
3.On the right you will see a list of your close friends.You can add that person in this list just type his name in to “Add friends to this list” text box and select it.

4.It will be automatically added to your close friends sections.Now you will see updates from that friend in this close friends sections only.You will see updates only that are made public by her/him or shared with you.

4.See Your Old Status Updates : Before getting a timeline update it was difficult to see your past post updates on facebook.But today with timeline and facebook activity log it is possible to see the status updates that you updated in the past some 8 or 9 years ago.To see your past status updates on facebook proceed as follows.

go to your profile and click activity log.A page will open now select “Your posts” on the left side bar.This will open all the status updates till date you have made on facebook.You will see the timeline years on the right.Just select the year and month and see what status you had updated in that month and year.

5.Turn On Chat For Only Some Friends : If you don’t like to chat much and want to chat only with your close friends then you can limit the chat for some close friends only.To do this follow the instructions below.

1.Open the chatbox and click the gear icon.Then click advanced settings.

2.A page will open about advanced chat settings.In this setting you will see an option “ Turn on chat for only some friends”.

3.Choose this option and in the text box enter the names of all you close friends one by one and select them.Then click save.Now you will see only that friends online on facebook chat.

6.View Profile As Public : Viewing your own facebook profile as public will give you an exact idea how it will look to the public and what things are visible to them.After viewing your profile as public you can control your privacy settings.To do this.

1.Goto your facebook profile and click the gear icon next to activity log and select “View As…”.When you click this you will see your own facebook profile as public.

2.There is an alternative trick to view your own facebook profile as public without logging in to your account.Just enter this address in your browser’s address bar.

3.MyUserName is unique user name for your profile.
5..If you know your user name then good but if you don’t know then log in to your facebook account and goto your profile by clicking your name.Now see the address in your browser’s address bar.It will look like as follows.

Copy this address and logout of your account.Now paste this address in the browser’s address bar.Now you will be able to see your own facebook profile as public.

7.Install Facebook Messenger On Your Desktop : Facebook messenger is available for windows.So if you want to chat from your desktop then goto

to download the facebook messenger for windows.Click “Install Now” and download the messenger and install it.After installation you will be able to chat on facebook from your desktop or laptop.You can also install facebook messenger on mozilla firefox and google chrome just read this tutorial.

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