How To Replace Missing DLL Files In Windows

A missing dll file in your windows pc can stop a program from running.yo may be thinkin "what is a dll".A dll file is a piece of code which is called by the executable .exe file whenever needed to perform a particular function.Every program,software today uses dll files.The main purpose of dll files is to reduce the size of executable file to save memory RAM.By reducing the size of executable file we are saving the memory because it has a small size and use dynamic link libraries whenever needed therefore saving memory.A missing dll file can bring a program,game or any software to halt.This tutorial will teach you to replace any missing dll files in your windows pc.

Replace Missing DLL Files In Windows 7 And Windows 8

This tutorial of replacing missing dll files will work on windows xp,windows 7 and windows 8.

1.Note down the name of the dll file which is missing.When you launch an executable file if the dll file is missing it will automatically show its name in the prompt box like "d3dx9.dll is missing".
2.Now goto and search that missing file in the search box.

3.You will be shown 3 results,download dll fixer,download fixer for that particular dll and download zip file.

dll files download

4.You have to download that zip file.After downloading extract that file and place it in that software's folder which is giving missing dll file error.
5.Relaunch the executable file and this time you won't get an error.However if multiple dll files are missing then you can repeat the above steps to replace them.

Now you have fixed all missing dll files error.

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