How To Play Games On Android With A Computer Mouse

In this tutorial you will learn to play android games by using a computer mouse.Computer mouse can be helpful in playing most android games because you don't need to provide the touch input by your fingers.This eliminates the problem of holding the heavy android tablets in your hands and also you can place the android tablet away from you to protect your eyes from excess light coming from the touch screen when in dark.

You can only connect a computer mouse to an android tablet or an android phablet like galaxy note 2,galaxy note 800,galaxy tab 2 etc.These android tablets have bigger batteries that can provide enough power to a usb computer mouse.

computer mouse connected to galaxy tab 2

Connecting A Computer Mouse To Android Tablets

  • First of all you will need a USB OTG cable to connect a computer mouse to your android tablet.
  • Insert one end of the cable in the tablet's data port and in other end connect the usb mouse connector.
  • When the mouse is connected a notification will appear on the android tablet like 'Mouse connected' and mouse pointer can be seen on the tablet's touch screen.
  • Now the computer mouse is successfully connected to your android tablet.

Mouse Commands For Android Tablets

To play android games with a mouse you need to use the following commands.

  • Swipe Left : Click and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse pointer towards left to make a left swipe.
  • Swipe Right : Click and hold the left button and move the pointer towards right.
  • Swipe Up And Down : Click and hold the left button and move the mouse pointer upwards to swipe up and downwards to swipe down.
  • Random Swipe : Click and hold left mouse button and move the mouse in any direction to make a random swipe.
Now you are ready to play android games with a computer mouse.I have tested temple run,temple run 2,vector by nekki and cut the rope android games with a mouse.These games are easily playable with a usb computer mouse and now its your turn to play more games on your android tablets or phablets.

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  1. How do you do tilt on Temple Run 2 with a mouse?

    1. well I didn't try the tilt function in temple run 2 with mouse. But you can try moving mouse left or right.

  2. This doesn't work for games running unity apparently
