Google Testing Its New Homepage Design With App Launcher Like Navigational Menus

These days Google is testing its new homepage design which will feature navigational menus displayed in an app container or app drawer just like on any android phone. The new homepage design is very fast and easy to navigate. As the navigational menus will now be displayed as app launcher with their respective logos, so it would be easy to find Google products with just a one click of a button. The app launcher will contain all Google services. You have to just scroll down within the app container to explore more services and click 'Even more' at the bottom of the container to explore even more about Google products.

The new Google homepage is loading faster than its previous version and it will work best with chrome browser. However this beta homepage can be seen only in chrome browser. Other browsers like Mozilla Firefox, opera, safari and internet explorer are still displaying the older version. The chrome browser is displaying the new Google homepage for a short time because it is in alpha testing phase and is not yet implemented completely.

The new Google homepage will greatly support 'ease of access' and is highly similar to accessing apps on an android smartphone. The app launcher style included in new Google's homepage will serve the purpose of easy access because it is very convenient and fast to access Google services by their name and logo instead of just clicking on some hyperlinks. Have a look on the new app launcher styled navigation menus below.

google new homepage look

The new Google homepage will also feature a new Google logo with light colors and improved page loading time. To view the new Google homepage you have to wait sometime until it comes out of testing phase.

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