Live Gaming On Windows Failed To Initialize : How To Fix

Live Gaming On Windows Failed To Initialize is an error that comes up while playing Windows Live Gaming enable games. This error prevents the game from running and is a dedicated server error. The error can be seen while playing Halo 2 for Windows vista, Virtua tennis 4 and GTA 4. In this tutorial I will teach you how you can fix the error ‘Live Gaming On Windows Failed To Initialize'. This may be because another LIVE Gaming on Windows applications (such as the Halo 2 dedicated server) is running on the same machine. I will fix the error on Halo 2 game which I am running on Windows 7 64 bit. When I try to run Halo 2 on Windows 7 this error comes up.

Live Gaming On Windows Failed To Initialize

How To Fix Live Gaming On Windows Failed To Initialize In Halo 2

  • First of all install the game correctly.
  • Install Windows Live. This step is optional, if you don’t want to sign up in Windows Live then don’t download it.
  • Now go to the folder where the Halo 2 game is installed. The game can be found in the following directories.
C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Games\Halo2 (For Windows 7 64 bit)
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo2 (For Windows 7 32 bit)

  • Now in Halo 2 folder find a file whose extension is ‘.CFG’. It would be named as ‘halo2.exe’ and has an extension of ‘.CFG’.
  • Right click on this CFG file and open it with notepad.
  • Find ‘enableCrossPlatformSystemLink’. You will see that it is configured to ‘true’. 

  • Replace ‘true’ with ‘false’. And save the file.
  • Now launch the game with Halo2.exe launcher. You won’t get this error again.
The CFG file is a configuration file for Halo 2 which gives a dedicated server error when the cross platform system link property is set to true because it makes Windows think that the same game is running on it and on the dedicated server for Halo 2 at the same time.

You can fix the Live Gaming error for other games like Virtua Tennis 4, GTA 4 like I did for Halo 2. You can watch the video showing how to fix Live Gaming initialization failed in Halo 2 for Windows 7 and Windows 8. Now check this tutorial.

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  1. ami me sale "false" cuando instalo el halo 2 y me sigue saliendo el mismo problema que hago?

  2. the cgf file already has the value false

    1. re-install the game and repeat the procdure. Do not install on C: drive.

  3. I have the same problem, the cgf file already has the value false, I re-installed the game on My Documents, but the file already has the value false again. I triyed a lot of methods but the error is the same.

    PD. Sorry for my english

    1. This is a windows live game, so you may need some windows updates to get it work. Update the directX and dot net framework and see if it works.

    2. ami me sigue saliendo el mismo problema después de reemplazar falso por verdadero (Ami I still get the same problem after replacing false for true)

    3. Firstly install the game properly. Then set the true to false. Then move the game folder to another directory.
