5 Great Android Apps For Business Owners

There’s no doubt we are living in an age of constant technological advancements. There are many android business apps and associated tools available which are completely free. The problem with this is that it is very easy to download a multitude of them. Each one of them promises to assist in running your business. Each app may help in some small way but the vast number of apps you download actually create too much clutter and hinder your activities. Being organised is the key to being successful. Experts have estimated that 102 billion apps were downloaded in 2013. This means things are going pretty well for 2015 too.Less is definitely more, and the following are probably the only business apps your business really needs:

android business apps

Most business days start with the creation of a list of tasks. Ideally, these tasks will need to be finished before the day is out. This is not always possible and tasks will need to be moved to another time or priorities changed. Any.do is exceptionally good project management software app for android. It allows you to create your list, task management, mark items as done, remove an item or scratch it from the list and even defer an item to another day.  The app enables you to create your list and then adjust it as necessary depending upon what your day brings.

It is often a challenge to work on a draft document and edit it whilst your colleagues or employees are attempting to do the same. The Quip app is designed to encourage the collaboration between colleagues and provides updates directly to your mobile when a project has changed.  app stops the need for time consuming and potentially confusing emails being sent between colleagues. It even works with attachments. You are able to access your documents whether you are online or not.

LinkedIn has become an increasingly popular way to access business news. Nearly a quarter of adults online use LinkedIn Pulse. Although this social network started life as a place to find a job it is now well recognized as the best place to keep up with industry trends. The Pulse app allows you to personalize your content. This ensures you access the areas you are most interested in straight away. There are no distractions or frustrations incurred attempting to find relevant information. It is possible to load stories you are interested in and then read them offline. You can also share articles you believe are relevant. The site is designed to be industry professionals sharing stories to improve everyone’s businesses.

It can be a struggle to keep up with the many email messages received daily. Sorting them into priority and relevance can be an arduous task.  HipChat is designed to assist with this. The app allows anyone on your team to email each other collectively or individually. This is a private messaging service but unlike so many of them there is no server technology for you to maintain. It requires a low cost monthly subscription and the rest is taken care of for you.  One of the best features is that it can be used regardless of whether you are on a desktop, a mobile or a tablet. The system will work across different operating systems.  HipChat aims to decrease the amount of email messages being sent around the team. This should provide more effective communication and avoid the delays caused by emails being left unanswered for days.

Another note taking app but this one is fully integrated with your desktop allowing a smooth transition from your mobile device to your PC. Evernote makes it easy to share notes with colleagues, keep a record of online research or track your latest business trip. They even offer physical products now to compliment their online offerings. Whether you’re a CEO, manager or starting entrepreneur, Evernote is the kind of app you can’t overlook when doing business.

Business owners should focus their attention on advanced technology and high-tech gadgets. The apps that come with tablets and smartphones can help your company succeed. Because businesses today must stay connected, it’s fundamental to use apps to help you stay organized and ever-present in the online environment. Don’t underestimate the power of advanced gadgets and Android apps because one day this is all you need to make a name of yourself.

By Davis Miller and Conosco.com

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