How To Change Audio Track In Dual Audio Movies On Android

Dual Audio Movies are encoded with a dual audio track, which means that we can watch the movie in our favorite language. Having the dual audio movie and watching it, is the best option rather than buying or downloading the same movie in different languages. In this kind of video files you can switch the audio track any time you want. Today almost latest media players be it a DVD player, smartphone or tablet support dual audio track movies and give you the option to change the language.

Android smartphones can also play these file formats as most of the media players have an option to change the audio track. However not every android smartphone or tablet support this feature, in this case you can use third party media player apps for android like MX player for android.

How To Change Audio Track In Dual Audio Movies On Android

I am using Sony Xperia smartphone which has a movies app which supports these kind of movies. If you have another android smartphone like Samsung, HTC then you can look for the 'Audio Track' options in the app menu.

  • Copy the video file to phone or sdcard.
  • Now open the Movies app and tap the file to play.
  • While the movie is playing, tap the options menu (3 vertical dots) on top right and choose 'Audio Track'.
  dual audio movies android

  • You will see 2 options. Choose your favorite audio track and tap ok.
  • The movie's language will be changed immediately.

➜ Change Audio Track in Amazon Prime Video App

Amazon Prime Video provides dual audio movies. You can also change the audio language in this app. Check this article.

➜ Converting a Dual Audio Movie to Single Audio

If you want to convert dual audio movies to single audio or multiple audio then read this tutorial.

If You Are Not Using A Sony Xperia

If you have an android phone other than Sony then use MX player app to do the same as we done above.
  • Download and install MX player.
  • Open MX player and tap your movie to play.
  • While the video is playing tap the 'Symphony' icon on top right.
  • Select desired audio track. Its done.

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  1. BT I can't find in my Xperia zr...which is in lollipop 5.0.2

    1. You need to update the movies app to latest version..

  2. BT in MX Player it was not showing required languages as in the above image like English, Hindi or other language.

  3. it cant show audio track in my sony xperia c3

    1. It only works with dual audio movies. If you are playing a normal video or movie then it will not show any option.
