How To Play Hidden Endless Running Game In Chrome For Android

Chrome is the default browser for android smartphones which replaced the android browser years ago. Chrome for android provided much more functionality then the default android browser. The chrome for android has a hidden mini T-Rex endless running game which you may have not noticed so far. Whenever chrome browser fails to connect to a webpage then a small T-Rex appears on the screen which is an indication that network is not available. You will see ‘You are offiline’ and ‘Err_Internet_Disconnected’.

How To Play Hidden Endless Running Game In Chrome For Android

dinosaur game in google chrome android hidden game in chrome on android

When you touch the T-Rex the endless running game starts. You have to make the T-Rex jump over the obstacles to earn points, by swiping upwards. With progression the running speed keeps on increasing. When the game is over you can tap the reload icon to restart. The same game can be played on Microsoft Windows and Apple MAC OSX.

My high score is 632 points. Dare to beat it, share you scores via comments.

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  1. How do I play it without having to disconnect from the internet?

    1. The game can only be played in offline mode. If during playing you get connected to the internet then the page will load automatically and the game will stop.
