7 Settings To Change In iPhone 6S To Stay Safe

You can get a brand new smartphone every couple of months, and the latest exciting release regarding smartphones is the launch of iOS9 to improve your iPhone experience. The OS obviously includes some improvements over the old system but, as with everything else, requires adjustment. There are also some security concerns with the OS, but they mostly stem from the default settings you will have upon starting up the system. If you don’t change some of the most important ones, you could be leaving your information open for theft or your phone open to cyberattacks.

iphone 6s

Here are some of the main things you should do before you really get to using your iPhone 6S or iPhone 6S Plus.

7 Settings To Change In iPhone 6S To Stay Safe

1. Invest in a VPN
You will want to invest in getting a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that is compatible with your device. A VPN is a service that will connect your smartphone to an offsite secure server using an encrypted connection. This protects you from hackers on public networks and people or organizations trying to track you through your IP address. Depending on the VPN, you can set it up through an app or the network settings of your iPhone. They generally don’t cost more than $10 a month and can be considered an investment in your privacy. If you are curious as to which ones are the best, we  recommend IPVanish, ExpressVPN, Avast SecureLine and HideMyIP.

2. Require a Password for Purchases
In order to protect your bank account, you should require a password with every app store purchase. It might be a bit troublesome for those who buy a lot of apps, but you can think of it as a form of impulse control. The easiest way to select it is to choose it when you are first presented with the option, but you can do so later in the settings app.

iphone password settings

3. Limit Location Tracking
This amounts to a more personal decision, but you should decide whether you want location tracking to be active on your apps or smartphone. You might very well be fine with location tracking being active on your smartphone itself, but Facebook or Twitter might be a different story. Make an informed decision for each app, but if you’re cautious, don’t allow it for any. You can change it later.

iOS location services

4. Adjust the Auto-Lock Time
You may want to alter the time it takes until your phone auto-locks, keeping the contents of your screen away from prying eyes. Going to Settings>General and then selecting the auto-lock option will allow you to set it to what you feel is best for your needs.

5. Use Fingerprint Security
Enabling fingerprint security in the “Touch ID& Passcode” section of the settings will improve your phone’s security. Getting the right password on your phone is a one in several thousand chance. There might be one or two people on earth who have fingerprints similar enough to yours to unlock your phone.

touch id and passcode

6. Limit Ad Tracking
There is no reason to allow advertisers to keep getting into your personal information, and this is why you should limit ad tracking. To change this one, go to the Settings app and then continue to privacy and advertising. You can disable it from there. This will keep the cookies and trackers to a minimum and allow you to enjoy your iPhone more.

7. Activate Find My iPhone
One tracking feature you will want to activate is “Find My iPhone,” which will allow you to track the phone if it gets lost. This means that you can possibly get your phone back if it gets stolen, or at the very least put you on the right path. This setting will save you from a lot of anxiety.

find my iphone

Do you know of any other ways to stay safe on your iPhone 6S running iOS 9? Do you have any experiences of your own regarding the OS that you’d like to share? Leave a comment below and tell us your perspective.

About the Author: Cassie Phillips is a writer and blogger specializing in smartphone technology and online security. She has found that her passion in life is keeping the general public safe from both cybercriminals and organizations wanting to invade your privacy. She is an awesome content creator at SECURE THOUGHTS

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