Moto G 2015: Fix USG OTG Not Showing In File Manager Apps After Updating To Android 6.0

Recently Moto G 3rd Generation has received the official android 6.0 Marshmallow update in India. The android 6.0 for Moto G 2015 was first released in the North America and Canada. If we talk about the look and feel of android M on Moto G3 then I would say nothing has changed much because the look and feel are exactly the same as that of android 5.1 Lollipop. But in the new software version 24.11.25.en.US and 24.11.25.en.03 you will several performance enhancements. The new firmware has features like Doze mode, Do Not Disturb, Moto display, Inbuilt file manager, new wallpapers, improved volume controls, ability to use sdcards as internal storage, app permissions and app links.

We will do a brief review of Moto G 2015’s android 6.0 software update later. Till the time we are here to discuss a storage issue that most users are facing right now after updating to android M. This issue is related to USB OTG drives. Whenever we connect a USB OTG drive to our Moto G3 then file manager apps like ‘ES File Explorer’ and ‘Asus File Manager’ are not picking up the USB OTG. I have checked Asus file manager and it is no longer supporting the USB OTG and is unable to access it. This may be due to the new app permissions feature and developers may fix this soon. You can see in the screenshot below that Asus file manager is unable to access the USB on the go drive.

asus file manager not accessing usb otg

Fix USG OTG Not Showing In File Manager Apps After Updating Moto G 2015 To Android 6.0

Till now I have a solution to access the USB OTG drive on Moto G 3rd Gen. Since in the first paragraph, I have mentioned that the android 6.0 software update for the Moto G3 has an inbuilt file manager. Whenever you connect a USB OTG drive to your phone a popup appears in the notification panel. Here you need to tap ‘Explore’ to view the files stored on the USB drive. The inbuilt file manager is capable of doing all basic file operations like cut, copy, paste, move and folder creation.

android M inbuilt file manager

The USB drive is also not visible in the ‘ES File Explorer’ home page. But it is not like that. If you open the ‘ES File Explorer’ and tap the menu on the top left then you will find an option ‘Local’. When you tap this it will expand and will show you the connected USB OTG drive. Tap this drive to explore it and from here you can copy or move files from this directory.

ES file explorer on moto g android 6.0 with hidden usb otg

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  1. I recently bought a sandisk otg pendrive but I have tried all the methods mentioned above but it still doesn't read my pendrive it shows my external card as portable device in usb&storage option.While the first time I got my update I chose my external sd card as portable device instead of internal storage. Is that causing an issue?

    1. format the otg drive to FAT32 and then again follow the tutorial. Android M has an inbuilt file manager.

    2. I am also facing same issue, I tried the format option too but no luck and my mobile OS version is 6.0.1(Android).

      OTG pendrive not detecting by Moto G3 but others mobiles are able to connect with same OTG pendrive.

      Any help on this

  2. i tried this method but file transfer frm otg is not functioning

    1. Please use the inbuilt file manager in android M. Most developers have not updated their apps according to android M.

  3. A mi en moto g3 no me aparece que el teléfono reconozca la USB y probé en otro moto g 3 y ahy si funciona perfecto ¿que podrá ser?

    1. Moto G3 con Android 6.0 tiene problemas de permisos . El tutorial que he publicado funciona al 100 por ciento. He probado los dispositivos USB OTG en él .

  4. In my moto g3 otg does not detect , how to solve that problem , help me...

    1. Please follow the tutorial above. Your problem will be solved.

  5. Marshmallow ok Motog3 but what about Moto g2. In g2 as u said ES FILE MANAGER LEFT TOP LOCALL WE SEEN USB STORAGE BUT IT SHOWS EMPTY.

    1. Your USB drive should be formatted to 'FAT32' and when you tap the 'USB1002' then ES will ask you for permission to access the drive. If you tap 'DENY' then the USB drive will be shown empty. I would suggest you to go with the inbuilt file manager in Marshmallow. Android 6.0's performance on Moto phones is very bad, android 5.1.1 was 1000 times better. There is no joy in using android 6.0 on Moto G phones, I would prefer android 5.1. You can downgrade your phone to android 5.1.1 which will solve all your problems.

  6. Thank u . But how we downgrade moto g2 to 5.1, service center said only we can upgrade, and unable to downgrade,. If u know kindly share.

    1. You can search the stock rom in XDA forum with tutorial for flashing.

  7. I am updated my galaxy s6 to 6.0. after this whenever connecting sandisk otg usb drive it showing in the storage but not able to copy or move to drive. also not able create folder in it through phone.

    1. Marshmallow 6.0 has permissions. So it won't allow apps direct access. Use ES file explorer and follow the above tutorial. It would be good if you can post screenshots.

  8. what about share it & other app for sand file is also not show pen drive so how to sand file from pen drive via share it

  9. i have a lg h635 and updated to marshmallow and got a otg cable and want to connect a sandisk fat32 usb drive. the phone isnt detecting the otg at all. usb tethering cant be turned on on my phone. i connect it to my wifes xiomi redmi phone and it works fine.
    what do i do? how can i make my phone detect it?

  10. i have moto g4 and it does recognize usb storage i can read data s but i cant write anything into usb storage

    1. Use ES File explorer copying and moving the data.

  11. My moto-g3 was detected the sandisk dual USB pen drive after upgrading to 6.0.1 but suddenly since 10 days its not detecting. When ever I insert pen drive to phone, the USB icone is continuously blinking (mounting and unmounting automatically).
    Please help on this issue

    1. Clear phone's cache. Ensure that there is enough space left on your Moto G3. Check the OTG drive with other phones. If it gives same response with other phone then buy a new one. Read review of SanDisk dual usb otg.

  12. I have Moto g3 . I want to use SanDisk ultra dual USB on it . But when I connect it with my phone ,my phone doesn't show any pop up or notification . I am not able to use my usb on my phone . Please help me if there is any solution for this issue .

    1. If there is no notification then check it in ES file explorer. It will be visible. If you can't see the USB then it might be defective. Check with some other phones.
