Moto G4 Plus Gets Latest Update With July Security Patch and Bug Fixes

Motorola has just pushed an OTA update on its latest Moto G4 Plus smartphone. The update corresponds to July security patch, bug fixes and stability improvements. This is a security update which fixes all the android vulnerabilities that were identified in the month of July 2016. The latest update version is MPJ24.139-63 and has a downloadable size of 508.4 MB. After updating to this version you can't go back to the previous version. This is the first time when we have seen a security patch update on a Moto G. We should remind you that this is not android 7.0 Nougat update.

Moto G4 Plus Latest Update Details

  • Update Type: July security patch and stability improvements.
  • Download Size: 508.4 MB
  • Build Version: MPJ24.139-63

: Your phone should be fully charged before getting this update. If the phone shuts off during update then it may not start again. So, take care of the battery percentage.

 How To Update

  • On your Moto G4 Plus go to "Settings>About phone". 
  • Make sure that your phone is charged to at least 90%.
  • Here tap "System updates". Now tap "YES, I'M IN". Then select your data network then tap "DONE".
moto g4 plus july security patch update

  • Wait for the update to finish downloading.
  • After downloading the update your Moto G4 Plus will automatically reboot to recovery mode and apply the update.
  • After few minutes you can use your phone with latest update applied.

Should You Update Moto G4 Plus to MPJ24.139-63

MPJ24.139-63 is just an android security patch update. So, you should update your phone. However if you have any doubts like how your phone will perform after applying this update or will it slow down the phone, then wait for others to update their phones. After this you can easily choose whether to update your G4 Plus or not.

Warning: After updating to this latest software version some users are complaining that the Moto G4 Plus notification sound has become very low. However, the ringing sound is just fine. So, we suggest you not to update your phone as of now or unless more users post positive reviews about this latest update.

Update: Moto G4 Plus Gets Android 7.0 Nougat

Moto G4 Plus has started receiving the android 7.0 Nougat update. So if you have updated your phone to MPJ24.139-63 then you will receive the OTA notification soon. Update your G4 Plus to android 7.0 Nougat to fix problems like weak network signals and battery drain. See Moto G4 Plus android 7.0 update. Moto G4 Plus gets NPJ25.93-14 December 2016 security patch update which fixes low notification sound problem and brings stability improvements and bug fixes, read here.

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  1. I have a query, I actually have a rooted G4+, so, I was wondering, what would happen if I choose to install the update, will the update still get installed ? Because, it keeps popping up every 15 minutes & it is freaking annoying.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

    1. I suggest you not to update right now. Since you have a rooted G4+, so we can't guarantee what would happen when you apply the latest update. Your phone may get completely unusable if something goes wrong because of your rooted phone. If you want to update then first unroot your phone then try. Since many people are encountering problems with MPJ24.139-63 G4+ OTA update then we suggest not to update right now. Wait for some time, we will post a solution to this problem soon.

    2. Thank you so much, I wont update my device. :)
      Also, do elaborate, what kind of problems are people facing, after installing this update ?
      Also, I installed Disable Service & blocked Motorola Update Service completely, now that sucker wont bother my anymore. :P
      One more thing, I read a comment on this post, about someone saying that this update improved their battery life, is that true ?

    3. Hey Gaurav, I must tell you that MPJ24.139-63 is a July security update. So, skipping this update is not good from security point of view. Most people have successfully updated to this OTA and no problems appeared except for the low notification sound. Don't block the motorola update service. You should wait until we test this new update for possible bugs.

      We will update this post within 2-3 days and tell you whether it is safe to install this update or not.

      And yes we have heard from most users that the battery backup has improved a little.

    4. okay, I will be waiting for your reply. :))

      When you are saying, that it is not good to skip this update from a security point of view, what kind of security are we talking about here ?

      And, if I have to unroot it & then re-lock the bootloader, I will need to set it up all again because I will lose all my data, right ?

      I had one more question, will I be able to install the OTA, if I unroot & keep the bootloader unlocked & keep my custom recovery ?

      I dont want to lose all my data & setup my phone all over again, I have made a lot of changes using GravityBox & a lot of other apps, I dont want to have to do them all over again. :\

    5. I have tested this new update on a Moto G4 Plus device. No problems were found. Notification sound was just fine though and people are still complaining about.

      I think you may not be able to install the OTA with custom recovery. Because the stock recovery is there to handle the update process. Not sure about custom recovery.

      You can directly flash this new update to your G4 plus. It is the latest stock ROM. You should backup your app data and later restore it. See this article.

      an advice: Rooted phone users should stay away from official OTAs as these OTAs may not work with custom recoveries and may finally brick your phone.

      If you want this update then try manual flashing method given in the above link. This will erase all your data. Only option is to backup and then restore. Do it at your own risk as this XDA article is not owned by me.

    6. But the device battery drain too quickly after the july update

    7. Thanks for the update. Some apps may quickly drain the battery. Use only useful apps. Uninstall apps that you don't use. You can also disable Google apps like drive, play movies, newsstand etc.

  2. Hi, after this update battery lasting more but one problem I am facing that our jio network not showing some time. It shows when I start my phone. It happen 3 to four time in a day...

    1. This is not your Moto G4 Plus's problem. It is network related. Keep the network mode to "4G" if you are using JIO. Jio is currently in testing phase so, even call drops and problems like mobile number unreachable are normal.

    2. I have also same problem the jio sim is not getting signel. The we need to restart the phon after getting the jio signel. I think motorola may be blocked jio by ota updation

    3. My friend has also the same problem after updating his device...after sometimes the jio towers get automatically stops and he has to again on the network....poor update don't do it

    4. JIO is in testing phase so missing network signals is normal. More people are connecting with JIO on a daily basis. The network quality and data speed will reduce as a consequence.

  3. how do i stop my update after 96% of downloading?

    1. If you have updated the download then do not update it. The phone will keep asking you to start the update but you should keep rejecting it. If you want to stop the update process just clear the app data of "Motorola Update Services" from the apps menu in "Settings".

    2. Hello I finally installed the update yesterday unintentionally now my phone starts heating more and also took more time to charge I bought this mobile few days back so could you please help me out.

    3. You should wait for the android 7.0 Nougat update. Hopefully Motorola will release a fix for this latest OTA before android 7.0 OTA. We contacted Motorola support and they are aware of the bugs in this new OTA. They assured us that the bug fix update will be released soon.

  4. After update my moto g4 plus, l can not able to change my wallpaper and also restart my phone my home screen is black,applications are visible,but not set wallpaper through any luancher ,only i can set live wallpaper,please solve this problem.

    1. Either wait for the fix from Motorola or perform a factory reset. Only perform factory reset from android "Settings" and do not use recovery mode, otherwise your phone will be locked for 24 hours. Always remember your current gmail account and password that is being used by the phone. Never ever reset from android recovery mode on your Moto G4 Plus.

  5. Hi i had just download Motorola new system update MPJ24.139-63. so could you please help me for what i have to do next
    * new system software is downloaded and ready to install so can i install this update is there any problem with is Update?

    1. Well there is no problem in this update except for the low notification sound. We suggest you to wait for another week so that we can be pretty sure about this update. If you have downloaded the update then you can still choose not to update. Let us get some more positive reviews about this update.

    2. Thanks Abhishek,
      please let me know how to remove downloaded file from system.

    3. You don't need to remove the file. This is a security update, so it should be installed sooner or later. Android security patches updates should never be ignored. I just told you to wait for a week so that I can confirm that the update doesn't have performance bugs. Wait for 2-3 days and I'll post the update in reply.


  6. Here is my review of September update :

    1. Thanks for your review. Have you noticed any major bugs or software errors in this new update?

  7. After the update SIM 1 network goes missing constantly. You have to switch on and off SIM 1 to get the connectivity again. This is a big bug I am facing the problem. So dont uodate unless the give a patch. I am struck now even cant roll back to previous version.

    1. Same prblm i also faced..
      There is no solutions in moto care also..
      So let see if bug fix by moto in next update..

  8. i am facing issue with my mobile, after installing system update MPJ24.139-63. after update of the software, my mobile is continuously loosing the network connectivity and data connectivity every 10-15 mins. i have rebooted the device twice till now. But not able to fix the issue. Have spoken to MOTO service station twice. but they also told me that they also think that there is some bug which need to be fixed and they will get back to me ASAP.

    1. Don't worry if there is a bug then it will be fixed soon. Previous version of software also had bugs like the heating issue and flashlight not working in video camera sometimes. We are currently testing this update for possible bugs if anyone of your friends have Moto G4 Plus then ask them not to update right now.

      Motorola is good at sending OTAs. If there is something wrong with this update then people will flood Lenovo/Moto forums with these complaints. Then finally Motorola will have to take some necessary steps to resolve it.

      I have also talked with many users but they haven't seen any bugs yet.

    2. But here is some problem notifications sounds aur extremely low I m not able to here it how much time does Motorola take
      to fix this problem

    3. Wait for the android Nougat update. I don't think that Motorola can give a fix before the android Nougat update. You just have to wait till this year's end.

  9. Just i downloads tha update is ready to install asking notification what can i do plz heLP me i seen mixed reviews plz tel me

    1. Do not update. This latest update is full of bugs.

  10. Hi guys,recently I've updated my system on Moto G4 Plus to MPJ24.139-63,but after updating my notification sound has become very low,almost inaudible. I've gooogled so many times but yet to find any solution. can somebody helop me out of this situation? how can I revert back to Lollipop 5.1.1 ?

    1. There is no way to go back to previous software version. Just use the phone now and wait till Motorola fixes this issue. Meanwhile you can try factory reset but do backup data before doing.

  11. Abhishek, I would like to commend the continuous information you are providing on this matter. Heading to your advice, I have not updated my moto G4 plus and would wait for more information on this blog. Please keep us posted. Thanks a lot.

    1. Thanks. We are testing this update for possible bugs. We have installed the new update on a Moto G4 Plus and except for the low notification sound we haven't encountered any bugs or problems. But currently we are updating few more G4 Plus devices and will see whether they report any serious bugs or just this low notification sound.

  12. I m updeted screenshot is not working notifications shown as cont take screenshot due to limited storage space, or its't allows by the app or your organization what can i do plz help me

    1. First backup your data and try factory reset from "Settings>Backup & reset>Factory Data Reset".

  13. Just i downloads tha update is ready to install asking notification what can i do plz heLP me i seen mixed reviews plz tel me

  14. Is heating issue still there??? Or they got a way out of that???

    1. There is not much difference in this security update. Everything is the same. I have tested this new firmware and haven't seen any problems. People complaining about ghost touch issues or low notification sound may have got a defected device.

  15. Hi Abhishek what about update is problem is solved or not

    Can I update ma phone
    Becouse I had download system update setting but still waiting for your positive reply

    After downloading this setting my mobile bettry consumed very fast also mobile working slow sometimes it will be hanging problem

    So please let me know how to remove system
    Update setting from my system

    1. Just go for this update. Haven't seen any battery drain issues on a single SIM. Notification sound is normal. However phone heating is just the same. But I won't say phone is heating, it gets little warm during gaming and recording 1080p. To prevent excess heating record at 720p. Motorola used very thin plastic this time in which heat passes easily so we feel that phone is heating but actually this much of heating is normal for a snapdragon 617 chipset. You can update safely.

    2. Moto G4 Plus only heats when recording 1080p videos. Don't blame Snapdragon 617 for this. Blame the very thin plastic casing and the thin plastic back cover. Heat easily passes through these which makes you think that the phone is heating. But actually heating is normal. Every android phone heats up. We contacted Motorola support and they are going to release the bug fix update soon.

    3. Abishek.

      Can i back to previous version after this updation its most worst than previous ota

    4. No there is no way to do it. However if you get to flash the previous software version MPJ24.139-23.1 then you have to skip every new OTA. Because if you update to the newer OTAs after manual downgrading then your phone may get bricked. So, I suggest you to let it go right now and wait for some official bug fix updates from Motorola. These issues will be fixed soon. Not to worry much.

  16. Hi Abhishek what about update is problem is solved or not

    Can I update ma phone
    Becouse I had download system update setting but still waiting for your positive reply

    After downloading this setting my mobile bettry consumed very fast also mobile working slow sometimes it will be hanging problem

    So please let me know how to remove system
    Update setting from my system

    Adison Machado

    1. We have seen mixed reviews for this update. Most people haven't seen any problems. Some are getting problems like low notification sound etc. There is no way to remove this update without root. This OTA is regulated by Motorola Update Services which is system app. We can't even clear its data. So if you don't want to update to this OTA then factory reset your phone. But do backup data before factory reset and perform it only from android Settings menu which asks your password/pattern before factory reset. Do not use android system recovery mode. Always remember your Google account credentials before factory reset.

  17. Hi, I have been facing issues using my 4g VOTLE sim after installing this update. The sim loses mobile network connection after every 20-30 minutes and I have to restart the phone to again connect to the network. Some of my friends are also facing similar issue. We tried contacting Motorola customer care but they couldn't provide any workable solution. Does anyone know how to fix this ?

    1. We can do nothing about this? All we can do is to wait for the new bug fix update. We contacted Motorola support and they assured us that the work is going on the bug fix update and it will be released soon. Let's hope for the best. If nothing happens then all these issues will be definitely resolved with the android 7.0 nougat update in late December 2016.

  18. I went ahead with the update yesterday and haven't noticed any issues with it so far. So, so far, so good. :)

    1. That's great. What about notification sound. Is it low or is it the same as it was before updating?

  19. I also face that prblm after update..
    Sim 1 network automatically gone after some times..
    And moto care also dnt hv any solutions..

    1. The Moto team is working on a new bug fix update. Hope we will see the new OTA soon.

  20. Hi Abhishek , I want to root my Moto G4 Plus and install TWRP . Please tell me what are the precautions I have to Follow to avoid Bricking Of Phone ?

    1. Android rooting is a risky process if not done carefully. I won't recommend rooting unless you are a developer. You can search XDA forum for G4 Plus rooting tutorials. Rooting is only good if you want to install custom roms or want to install some apps that require root access. An average user doesn't require his/her phone to be rooted. So, stay safe and don't root your G4 plus if you actually don't need it.

  21. Hi Abhishek,

    Today i have install this Update in my mobile and i have never seen any Problem and issue in this update everything is fine in this update and about notification sound this is also ok.


  22. problem with notification sound and hotspot can't share with others please help

    1. Have you tried factory reset? Make sure to reset only from android Settings and not from recovery mode.

  23. I updated my moto g4 plus on the same day when I bought. After update my phone I noticed my notification sound is very law. I just want to know when Motorola fix it?
    Due to this I am missing my important notifications like a mail and some important messages. Please let me know truth.

    1. Motorola is working on the bug fix update and we may see another OTA soon. But I can't say when they will release it. If Motorola doesn't release any bug fix update then this low notification problem will be solved in the android nougat 7.0 update later this year.

  24. I have updated but I m getting problems with the display like after pulling the notification drawer a thin flim of blue colour is this problem with display or with the update

  25. i just download updates but i didnt install till now..... can anyone tell me should i install or not????????

    1. You shouldn't install unless Motorola release a new bug fix update.

  26. there is anather problem in moto g4 plus that it stops working home button and notification shutter when internal memory is full there is only one solution on it hard reset

    1. Any phone will have problems when its storage gets full. G4 plus doesn't have a home button. The button you are talking about is actually fingerprint sensor. No need to hard reset just clear the cache and free up some space.

  27. Sir i have this ghost touch issue with my g4. I have purchased it 6 days back. It is very annoying and i don't really know what to do now. Please guide me on this . What should i do now?

    1. Take the phone to service center. This problem is probably software related. So several software updates will fix this problem.

  28. I would like to update my phone to MPJ24.139-63 but it said that my device software is up to date. My current version is MPJ24.139-48.

    1. MPJ24.139-63 is for Indian G4 Plus only. If you live outside India then you will not get this OTA officially.

  29. Sir. I have image retention or ghost touch or screen burn problem in my moto g4's been 3 months since I bought the phone.will the nougat update fix it.plzz reply..

    1. Have you updated to the July security patch update? If updating the phone doesn't fix the problem then go to service center. If its a screen problem then android nougat update will not fix it. Better take it to the service center.

  30. Hi Abhishek, just bought my first new smartphone Moto g4 two days ago. the Android security patch level is May 1,2016 and the build number is MPJ24.139-23.4. Im getting the software update notification to MPJ24.139-63. but after reading the mixed reviews about the battery drain and notifications low sound bugs I'm a little confused whether to update or wait until the 7.0 update. kindly advice. thanks

    1. Except the low notification sound there is no other problem. However you can wait for the android nougat update. But I am note sure whether you can skip this MPJ24.139-63 update to directly update to nougat. You can freely update to this July patch update without any problems but notification sound will be a little low. The July patch update runs perfectly without any bugs.

  31. After the security update i am facing ear pain problem when i use the mobile for voice calls. Is it possible to remove the update by resetting the phone??

    1. You cannot go back to previous update now. If the voice call is too loud then decrease the call volume to suit your ears.

  32. I've downloaded this update a few times now and it keeps failing to install. What am i doing wrong?

    1. Please check the storage. Clear the cache from settings>storage.

  33. I am in nougat updates so after install play store apps did not download and updates what problem plz help me

  34. I have a moto g 4 , i installed the first update after the nougat update that was released by Motorola for Notifications sound and stability. After installed that update my phone gets switched off whenever i play music. I restored the phone but then also the problem continued. What to do? Please help.

    1. Check with VLC player and also update the Google Play Music app. Also go to 'Settings>Storage' and clear the 'Cached Data'. If nothing works try factory reset from the settings>Backup & Reset.

  35. npjs25.93-14-8 thos update for moto g4 plus is not heats up battery very fast....and charger does not charge battery at fast please do not update this version....i request to moto to provode n another update for solving this issue....

    1. We haven't faced such issues. The NPJS25.93-14-8 is just a maintenance update. You can wait for the official android 7.1.1 Nougat update for Moto G4 Plus.
