How to Delete Read-Only Contacts on Android

A read-only contact is an in-app contact that is added though an android app like WhatsApp, Viber, or Facebook messenger. These read-only contacts are stored temporarily by the respective app on the phone's storage. The main problem with read-only android contacts is that they can't be deleted. Whenever we try to delete them then the Google contacts app will show an error as 'Contacts from your read-only accounts cannot be deleted, but they can be hidden'. The read-only contacts will show up in your address book and you can't delete them. So in this post, we will show you how you can delete read-only android and WhatsApp contacts.

Delete Read-Only Contacts on Android

  • Go to and login here with your Google account that is synced with your phone. This step is necessary as all android phones save contacts to Google by default.
  • You will see a complete list of your contacts that are being shown in your phone's address book.
  • Find that particular read-only contact that your phone is unable to delete.
  • Put a check mark on it to select it then click the 'More' tab and click 'Delete'.
  • After deleting it go to 'Settings>Account>Google'.
  • Here enable the sync for 'Contacts'. Wait for few seconds.

  • After the sync, the read-only contact will be deleted.
  • To delete read-only contacts from WhatsApp first follow the steps above for deleting them then refresh your WhatsApp contacts list.

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  1. No. Although synced, mine does not show contacts.

    1. Check the Google account associated with the phone? Is it the right one?
