Windows 7 Users Can Still Upgrade To Windows 10 For Free In 2018

Windows 10 was officially launched for the public in July 2015 and Microsoft announced free upgrade offer for eligible Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1 users. That upgrade offer ended in July 2016. Microsoft gave another chance to Windows 7/8 users and announced that people who use assistive technologies can upgrade to Windows 10 for free before the offer expires on December 31, 2017.

But the good news is that the assistive technology offer is not over yet and you can still upgrade to Windows 10 for free legally and officially from Microsoft in 2018. Microsoft isn't checking whether you are using assistive technologies or not. So if you still haven't upgraded to Windows 10 then don't wait just do it now.

As per the upgrade information on assistive technology webpage of Microsoft's website it is clearly visible that the offer was available until December 31 2017. But on Jan 3, 2018, we found that the Windows 10 free upgrade 2018 hasn't been withdrawn yet and it is still working in 2018.

How Did We Know That The Windows 10 Free Upgrade Offer Is Still Available In 2018?

We tested this upgrade offer on 3rd January 2018 on a laptop that is still running Windows 7. We wanted to upgrade that laptop to Windows 10. So we checked the assistive technology page on official Microsoft website. And we found that besides the expiration notice Microsoft is still providing the download link for the Windows 10 update assistant. So we downloaded the update assistant and ran it on the laptop. Since we didn't have any Windows 7 laptop or computer in our vicinity then we used teamviewer to remotely checked the upgrade offer's validity on one of our friend's laptop. And we found that Windows 10 upgrade offer is still active in 2018. You can check the screenshots below that were taken on 3rd Jan 2018.

windows 10 free upgrade 2018

➜ Important Note: We are not sure for how long this offer will work in 2018 as there is no official statement from Microsoft for continuing it in 2018. But for the time being, you can avail this free Windows 10 upgrade in 2018 as soon as possible because it is still working. The assistive technology offer is still working in 2018 because of two reasons. Either Microsoft has forgotten to withdraw the offer or it is planning to extend the period.

➜ Update: Microsoft has finally set a deadline for the Windows 10 upgrade through assistive technologies. So if you want to avail this offer then take advantage of it before it expires on January 16, 2018.

If you want to upgrade your Windows 7/8 PC/laptop to Windows 10 for free then check this tutorial.

Please share this article wherever possible as the Windows 10 upgrade offer will be withdrawn on January 16, 2018. You still have eight days left. 

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