How to Enable the New 'Take a Break' Reminder' in YouTube App

Launched at the Google I/O in May 2018 the new YouTube feature is named 'Take a Break'. This feature is especially rolled out for folks who spend too much time watching YouTube videos. Watching too many videos on your smartphone is actually not good for anyone's health. As the smartphone screen continuously emits blue light which makes our brain overactive. The 'Take a Break' YouTube reminder can save you from watching unnecessary videos. This way you can save a lot of time and mostly revert the bad effects of blue light.

Suppose you are searching a particular video on YouTube. Let's say you are searching the unboxing video for the latest budget laptop. The video may not be longer than 15 minutes. But after that video finishes then YouTube gives you other recommendations. You may keep watching those recommendations even if there is no need. However, if a 'Take a Break' reminder is set to 15 minutes then YouTube will ask you to stop watching and it won't show the video unless you close the reminder.

So the main motive behind the YouTube 'Take a Break' feature is to spread awareness about healthy usage of technology. Remember the famous phrase 'Wu Ji bi-fan' from the movie Karate Kid 2010. According to the film, it means 'too much of something is not good for you'. So too much of YouTube is actually not good for anyone. At a certain point, you have to stop watching it to prevent the ill effects of digital eye strain. It is also true that it is hard to live without technology today. But we should make a balance between this technology and our health.

How to Enable 'Take a Break' Reminder in YouTube App

This is a full feature roll out and is available for both Android and iOS (iPhone and iPad). This feature is available in YouTube app version 13.17 and above. If you are using an older version then please update the app first. To enable the reminder just follow the steps below.
  • Open the app and tap your account icon just next to the 'Search' button.
  • Here tap 'Settings' and then tap to select 'General'.
  • Tap 'Remind me to take a break'. Select the time limit after which you want the reminder to appear. Currently, it can be set to 15, 30, 60, 90, and 180 minutes. Currently, no custom time limit is supported.
  • Tap the time limit and its done. Now when the time limit reaches, a reminder will appear on the screen just like this below.

take a break youtube
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